
This is the Final Part, Part III! I use black makers to draw each panel and use color pencils to color in the main vocal point of each panels. Crosshatching was a bitch! Excuse my french. But in all honesty it was very tiring. But it pay off well. It manage to achieve the effect I wanted. Keep in mind that some panels I use different words to describe my ‘Ego’ from my Part I. This is because I wanted the audience to guess what’s the meaning behind my odd use of words before I could explain it to them.

Monkey + Mouse = Mouskey (Extrovert + Introvert = Ambivert)

Monkey : To convey extrovert which means outgoing and sociable, I drew the monkey wearing a summer dress and lots of jewelry. and also drew some sunflower to emphasize it more. And chose the color yellow which conveys cheerfulness.


Mouse : For introvert, I made the quiet little mouse wear winter clothes. That means that I have the tendency to keep a lot of things to myself. Again, to keep up with the motifs, I use flowers and the color blue to convey that sense of calm but perhaps a bit of loneliness too.


Mouskey : I combine the mouse and the monkey and created this hideous monster (haha). Use green to convey a sense of harmony in such a contrasting subject but also it’s a combination of the color yellow and blue. I made it wore stripes and piercings, because I have a bit of rock n roll punk in me.


Fresh – Rotten = Full (Perfectionist – Dark Side = Better Me)

Fresh : I use an apple to be the analogy. I am a perfectionist. I want nothing but the best. So I drew a monkey eating a fresh apple.


Rotten : In contrast, I still have my dark side (worry, anxiety, etc). So I drew mice surrounding the rotten apple. The mice also signifies that my tendency to keep things to myself more often than not resulting in me developing dark thoughts.


Full :  I want to be perfect without the unnecessary stress that comes with it. I drew my mouskey holding an x-ray of him being full after eating a lot of apples. That’s me being satisfied.


Brain x Pocket Watch = Mouskey Lisa? (Ideas x Time = Self Exploration)

Brain : Brain represents ideas. All artists deals with this on a daily basis. We call it procrastination. How many times did we hit that wall? We get so frustrated when we don’t have any good ideas.


Pocket Watch : Artists deal with this too. Sometimes I want to throw away the calendar. Deadlines are the worse because essentially we want more time to do our work.


Mouskey Lisa : This represent art and self exploration, that’s why I drew a parody of Leonardo da Vinci’s Mona Lisa with Mouskey.


World (Stage) – Depression = Confidence (My World – Depression = Me in 5 years (Travelling, Art Career, but most importantly enjoying life))

World (Stage) : The world is my stage. So I drew a magic show. I feel like being here, I have this sense of freedom that I didn’t feel when I was back in Indonesia. I was free to explore anything.


Depression : But no matter where I go I still have chains that drag me. In fact it took a lot of courage to enter NTU. But for me to achieve happiness in 5 years I still have to overcome some hurdles. That is why I drew my Mouskey In a sad motion closing his face. Depress, lonely . .


Confidence : So one day I will be able to find peace and happiness in my life. I drew my Mouskey being excited coming out of the top hat, breaking the chains and overcoming the depression.


So that’s the end of my Final 2D Project. It was not fun, because I was also facing my own demons. This project served as a reminder that I need to overcome my depression to get to my end game. I hope in 4 years of ADM I am able to achieve this.

Thanks for reading. Bye!


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