in Project Hyperessay

Hyperessary Role of Viewer: Objectual Conciousness

In the following thought experiments, we would presume with the idea of objectual consciousness and its performative aspects while contemplating upon the role of viewer. Notice that as an experiment, a contrived role would subject to change but nonetheless far from arbitrary.

Firstly, we think about the characters involved.


The Artist

Untitled 1972 by Donald Judd 1928-1994
Donald Judd, Untitled, 1972

As a ghost in the machine, the artist would perform textually a stream-of-consciousness. What does it meant to be still? The manifestation of its speech would be dependent of the states that the artist is in:

1. Present

2. Absent

3. Passive

4. Active


The Viewer

Locational environment where to work would be installed.

Audience would be considered as a the public that was geographically located in a college with largely populated with Singaporeans. In that regards, consider the cultural behaviour that may dictate the action-reaction.

1. People related to the artist prior to the experiment

2. Intentional participants with no relations to the artist

3. Non-intentional public without knowledge of the artist and the artwork

The Relationship
Now discuss the probability of what is going to happen.


1. The object constantly replays its consciousness.

When the artist is (tele)present, seduction would run its course in in text writing from stream-of-consciousness.

When the artist is not, seduction is generative and automatic. The object speaks in machine language.

2. The audience’s engagement with an object

Where the artist is passive in its identity, the machine listens and attempts to conduct a session encouraging transference.

Where the viewer is active in its engagement, the identity of the artist in its object becomes active.

Form and Format
The materialisation of the objectual consciousness of the ghost in the machine would be established in Project Hyperessay Technical Realization.

  1. Fascinating breakdown of the presence of the artist and the viewer with such granularity that you consider whether the viewer is active, passive, or absent all together. You also consider the relationship between the viewer and the artist in terms of knowledge / relationship between them. Very interesting! I can imagine ways that you can use this information to further this work as well as create new ones that establish various hierarchies or levels or qualities of artist / viewer interaction. Clearly a basis for establishing the performative role of the artist and viewer. Excellent.


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