Week 9 Journal: Jameel Prize 3 exhibition

I went to the Jameel Prize 3 exhibition at the National Library at Bugis. The nominated artists and the winner’s works were showcased at the library.

Exhibition plan
Exhibition plan
Dome 2
Hagia Sophia


Dice Kayek was the winner for Jameel Prize 3. Dice Kayek a Paris-based high fashion brand founded by the Turkish sisters Ece and Ayşe Ege in 1992.

Another interesting work on exhibit was Laurent Mareschal. His work is made of spices, upon nearing the exhibit, I could smell the aroma of the different spices.

Spice tiles 1
Spice tiles 2


Laurent is an artist who likes to create his artworks with reference to time and he likes to play with the idea of impermanence. His installation of spices as tiles on the floor was toying with the idea of reality. With every exhibition, Laurent has to start from scratch making the spice tiles. His passion and dedication to time and the doing of the work is what makes him enjoying what he does, as he mentioned in an interview. The tiles viewed in real life looks more like a carpet then tiles due to the fuzzy texture the spices create. The viewer can also smell the spices when viewing the artwork, thus evoking not only the viewer’s sight, but other senses as well.

Published by

Xia Yin

A student.

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