OSS Categories

Please check that you have selected the right category/categories for your OSS posts as well as the submission deadlines for each OSS submission. All OSS posts are to have a Feature Image attached.

For all 3 projects, submission of OSS post is due Sunday, 23:59 on the week of critique. For Group Presentations, please make sure that one of the group members submits the presentation on the Sunday, 23:59 of the same week.

Category Purpose Submission
Research Document all research (including primary research and artists’ references) for all projects On-going until end of the semester
Process Document all Work-In-Progress for projects (including sketches, screen captures of work-in-progress, experimentations, test prints, mock-ups, etc.) for all projects On-going until end of the semester
Final Project Document final post of each project which includes good photographs of final work, description of work (as what you will present in class with a bit more elaboration if necessary) as well as final thoughts/reflection and comments from instructor and classmates Project 1: 10 September

Project 2: 22 October

Project 3: 19 November (TBC)

Project 1 Emo Document all research (including primary research, artists’ references, sketches, process, refinement, comments, classmates’ suggestions etc.) and Work-in-progress (WIP) as well as final presentation for Project 1 Due on 10 September, 23:59
Project 2 Forrest Gump Document all research (including primary research, artists’ references, sketches, process, refinement, comments, classmates’ suggestions etc.) and Work-in-progress (WIP) as well as final presentation for Project 2 Due on 22 October, 23:59
Project 3 Ego Document all research (including primary research, artists’ references, sketches, process, refinement, comments, classmates’ suggestions etc.) and Work-in-progress (WIP) as well as final presentation for Project 3 Ego in Different Settings Due on 19 November, 23:59
Gallery For Project 3 “Ego in Different Settings”, please create an additional post with only final work’s images and brief description of your work.

Please ensure that you set a featured image as well.

Due on 19 November, 23:59 (TBC)
Group Presentations One member of each presentation group is to upload the group’s presentation onto OSS.

Please ensure that you upload your presenter’s notes to accompany each image and that you have set a featured image.

Sunday, 23:59 of the same week of presentation

It is important that you upload on time so that the topics of the presentations run in order.