Reading Assignment: Roland Barthes Rhetoric of the Image (Due: 5th September)

By: michaeltan |

Dear All,


Please download the reading assignment, Rhetoric of the Image by Roland Barthes, for this week via the following link:

Read and answer the following questions by posting on your OSS under ‘Reading Assignment’:

  1. What are some of the key questions Barthes aims to investigate in the article?
  2. What are some of the key terms/ concepts introduced and discussed?
  3. Do you agree or disagree with his argument and point of view?
  4. Provide a brief analysis (200 words) on an advertisement of your choice by using the terms/ concepts proposed by Barthes and discuss the role of text and its relationship with the image in the advertisement. Please include an image the advertisement in your post.



Please bring to Class on 5th Sept, a non-Perishable Food Item.


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