
Course Essentials

Course Description

Experimental interaction introduces students to the basic principles of interaction with media through collaboration, play and group-based projects. The overarching concept of interaction is investigated throughout the course in lectures, readings, and discussion of media art, which accompanies the hands-on projects. Students will be working with digital, networked, and social media, as well as found objects and other materials to explore viewer interaction and peer-to-peer forms of creative play. The course involves a study of DIY (Do it Yourself) and maker culture that better informs an understanding of interdisciplinary and open source thinking critical to the spirit of sharing and collaboration in the arts and design.

Open Source Studio (OSS)

Open Source Studio (OSS) explores forms of remote learning in a virtual studio environment that integrates a broad range of Web tools for artistic production, collaborative research, online writing, and group projects.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this course, each student should be able to:

  1. Apply the fundamental dynamics of collaboration to art and design practice to identify and facilitate the process of conceptualization and creation of group-oriented projects.
  2. Learn to work productively with interdisciplinary teams of artists and designers who have varying areas of specialization to integrate skills in the creative process.
  3. Creatively apply principles of interactivity in contemporary art and design to develop a deeper understanding of the user experience in new media forms.
  4. Through projects, discussion, and readings, grain a critical view of digital and social media to better appraise, analyze and interpret their impact on contemporary culture.
  5. Learn to communicate and explain course concepts through written and oral presentations.

Course Content

  • Collaboration and Interaction Study interaction design practices in the creation of media projects through group collaboration. Engage in the creation of group projects that explore narrative as a process of collective narrative.
  • Open Source / Open Culture A study of open source ideology and how this form of sharing and collective thinking emerges in the art and design arena. Study examples of DIY and maker culture that emphasize sharing and transparency in the creative process.
  • Role of the Viewer Overview of viewer engagement through human interaction and social discourse. Understand the changing nature of the interactive design object or artwork in terms of how the viewer has impact and agency on the outcome of the experience.
  • Social Media An exploration of social media platforms and how they are used creatively and critically. Reflect on how the individual in contemporary culture is impacted through the everyday, ubiquitous use of social media.
  • Online Technique You will work with the Open Source Studio (OSS) Web platform to document their work and ideas, learning techniques of online writing and media documentation. You are taught to better understand how your work as artists and designers is enhanced through a better understanding of the online environment as virtual studio space.

Assessment (includes both continuous and summative assessment)

Total = 100%

Formative feedback

You will receive feedback from the instructor and peers on the strengths and weaknesses of your work during and/or after every project. This feedback takes different forms (written and verbal) and comes at different stages which vary on each of the projects and written assignments.

Learning and Teaching approach

How does this approach support students in achieving the learning outcomes?

  • Lecture – You are introduced to fundamental concepts of interaction and collaborative narrative forms and techniques to improve/develop your work as artists and designers
  • Micro-Projects – You will have opportunities to develop interaction strategies in various media. You are able to apply concepts of interdisciplinary and social practice in their work. Demonstrate ability to explore different ways of working collaboratively in group-based project assignments.
  • Research Critique Assignments – You will carry out independent critical research to study artists, designers and seminal works and projects that inform your study of interaction. You will present the findings of their research through online writing assignments and presentation in class.
  • Project Critique – You will receive feedback on the strengths and weaknesses of their work from the instructor and peers.

Grading & Rubrics

Grades for the course are based on the following general criteria:

  • The commitment to engage the process of online production, research, and dialogue
  • Incorporate concepts and techniques drawn from the study of net based culture and art into student work
  • Complete work on time
  • Points are given for each assignment, such that students are responsible for the accumulation of the final score/grade (much like a game!)
  • Grades are allocated according to the standard NTU system of percentages

Grading will be assigned for all assignments & attendance:

  • Micro-projects: 50%
  • Research critiques: 20%
  • Final project: 30%
  • Total: 100%

Marks Criteria

A+ Outstanding

As below but difficult to see how the work/design can be improved within the resources allowed.

A Excellent

  1. Work is entirely suited to the project and direction.
  2. Demonstrates originality.
  3. Good understanding of the project is apparent.
  4. Strong evidence of commitment to the project.
  5. Worked very well collaboratively as a member of the team.
  6. Technical ability and problem-solving skills exceed expectations.
  7. Develops effective documentation/communication and engagement of subject.
  8. Good level of professional practice. 9. Reflective and systematic approach to the finished design work.

A- B+ B B- Good

  1. Work is generally appropriate to the project and direction.
  2. Good level of imagination.
  3. Able to grasp the main ideas of the project.
  4. Evidence of commitment to the project.
  5. Worked well collaboratively as a member of the team.Technical ability and problem-solving skills meets expectation.
  6. Develops useful documentation.
  7. Acceptable level of professional practice.

C+ C Satisfactory

  1. Work is appropriate in parts.
  2. Work is relevant but not particularly inspiring.
  3. Able to grasp the main ideas of the project with some errors.
  4. Played useful but not vital role in the project.
  5. Generally able to work as a member of the team.
  6. Technical ability and problem-solving skills does not always meet expectations.
  7. Documentation adequate but basic.
  8. Passable standard of professional practice.

D+ D Mediocre

  1. Work shows little more than the basic grasp of the task
  2. Work is ‘ordinary’.
  3. May not fully understand the work.
  4. Inconsistent commitment to the project.
  5. Have difficulty working as a member of the team.
  6. Technical ability and problem solving skills fall short of expectations.
  7. Documentation incomplete.
  8. Lapses in standards of professional practice.

F Fail

  1. Work is not appropriate.
  2. Work is lacking and/or lacking understanding and utilization of visualization and form making principles and techniques.
  3. Lack commitment to the project.
  4. Inability to work as a member of the team.
  5. Technical ability and problem solving skills do not meet expectation at all.
  6. No documentation apparent.
  7. Absence of any documentation.
  8. Demonstrated unprofessional behavior.
  9. Failed to in all aspects of the role assigned.
  10. Poor assimilation and too little to sustain investigation.
  11. Inadequate knowledge of the subject.

Course Policies and Student Responsibilities

  1. General – You are expected to complete all assigned readings, activities, assignments, attend all classes punctually and complete all scheduled assignments by due dates. You are expected to take responsibility to follow up with assignments and course related announcements. You are expected to participate in all project critiques, class discussions and activities.
  2. Punctuality – You are expected to be punctual for all classes. If you are more than 30 minutes late, you will be deemed as absent and will not be able to sign on the attendance register.
  3. Absenteeism – In-class activities make up a significant portion of your course grade. Absence from class without a valid reason will affect your participation grade. Valid reasons include falling sick supported by a medical certificate and participation in NTU’s approved activities supported by an excuse letter from the relevant bodies. There will be no make-up opportunities for in-class activities.

Academic Integrity

Good academic work depends on honesty and ethical behaviour. The quality of your work as a student relies on adhering to the principles of academic integrity and to the NTU Honour Code, a set of values shared by the whole university community. Truth, Trust and Justice are at the core of NTU’s shared values.

As a student, it is important that you recognize your responsibilities in understanding and applying the principles of academic integrity in all the work you do at NTU. Not knowing what is involved in maintaining academic integrity does not excuse academic dishonesty. You need to actively equip yourself with strategies to avoid all forms of academic dishonesty, including plagiarism, academic fraud, collusion and cheating. If you are uncertain of the definitions of any of these terms, you should go to the academic integrity website for more information. Consult your instructor(s) if you need any clarification about the requirements of academic integrity in the course.