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"Do I Sound Gay" Movie Review


Monday, Apr 02, 2018 - 12:08:38 am


David Thorpe’s documentary, “Do I Sound Gay?” aims to discover the notion of one’s voice being an identifier for a man’s sexual orientation, raising some intriguing perceptions concerning about speaker’s intentions and listener’s assumptions. The film mainly touches on issues such as self-hatred, discrimination and insecurity in linguistics on the surface but did not venture deeper which I would Read more →

Categories: i feel love

Are we talking about food?


Sunday, Apr 01, 2018 - 11:54:41 pm

“Girl, you’re thicker than a bowl of oatmeal.” One might ask; ‘How is a thick of bowl of oatmeal a compliment?’ or ‘What has oatmeal got to do with the female body?’. Well, the answers to those questions may be in this post.

The association of food to sex has always been discussed throughout history. From the Read more →

Categories: i feel love

I agree that food has been sexualized on so many levels. Gone were the days when buns referred to literal flour-bread things or cream as an equivalent to whipped cream (oh wait, whipped cream?...) It is also interesting how in the past, food-talk was utilized to convey sexual messages as a form of 'alternative' to the taboo topic of sex but now times have changed! The rise of media such as in lyrics of songs has an essential part in normalizing this food-sex relation. Nowadays, both food and sex are mashed up together to directly send out a sexually charged notion. Take for example the beautiful jhene aiko who told a dude to eat her booty like groceries. I don't see any form of implicitness no more!