Presentation Brief & Essay After Presentation


DD 3016 History of Design: Product Design

Design Movement Discourse

Assignments & Presentation Brief

You will be assigned a particular design movement to research and give a 10 mins presentation, of your reflective understanding about the key points and essential design relevance of the contexts of the movement.

This Discourse presentation constitutes 10% of total assessment.

In your presentation, you should:

  • Identify the key features of the movement;
  • Identify the salient qualities and characteristics of objects that collectively define the style of the movement;
  • Make conjecture or cite references to any influences of social, political, religious, philosophical, scientific, technological natures that could have influenced the movement;
  • Contextualise and connect the particular movement you study, with reference to another design or art movement, affecting, happening with, before or/and after; current day present relevance and values;
  • Cite as you present, names of designers, dates/periods, manufacturers, key figures and objects (with place of origin and dates) related to the movement
  • List on end slide, compiled bibliographical and source references you based your research, websites included.

Within One week following the presentation, you will submit a formatted summary essay written report (800-1200 words) of the design movement, distilling these 6 above points.

This Written Report constitutes 10% of total assessment.


Evaluation Criteria:

The presentation and written project assignments are assessed to gather evidence of student’s perceptive skills, with professional values and attitudes in research sourcing, to capture, read critically, understand, interpret, connect, formulate, infer, and prospecting the general relevance of reading contextual Design History with personally applicable values and conviction. Through this process, the individual student will come to self-nurture a greater sense of relevance, critical and connective thinking, and to be able to gain a sense of character and position to make confident and reasonable arguments in the practice and realisations of design currency readings.

Please note:

The series of weekly notes that you take, including some minor preparatory assignments, will be collated, ordered and filed, to form your History of Product Design Folder / Module Portfolio, it constitutes 10% of the total assessment, based on it’s comprehensive records of understanding and own future reference value. This will be submitted on the 4th final lecture on week of the History of Product Design Sections module.


Your Artist’s Manifesto for the entire 3 collective sections of History of Design will form 10% of the total assessment.

                                   (Late submissions accorded 5% demerit/week)


Ash Y.S. Yeo, Aug 2018