My own emulation

By: lpd |

Dear Interactive,

part of a more individual evaluation is your own capabilities to understand other interactive works and their underlying techniques and modes of interactions. After being presented with several emulations during class, it is now your turn to actively develop one beyond filling the blanks. Equally, there is a limit to the number of works I can cover in more depth hence this opportunity to broaden the portfolio of works we cover!

This assignment is typically for team of two due to class size. Exceptionally, since we are 19, I will consider solo teams or a team of three.

Your task is then to select an artist and one of his/her representative work. With this work, your team will briefly present the artist, the selected work with concepts and technologies. Finally, your team will develop an emulation patch that illustrate part(s) of the interaction involved in this work.  Again, all results are to be posted onto OSS with class delivery.


Sept. 23rd – Team formation and presentation date selections (4th or 11th).

Oct. 7th – Artist selection, work selection and emulation ideas.  (**** see below).

Nov, 4th. – Posting on OSS of your presentations and emulations. (all groups)

Nov. 4th / Nov. 11th – Presentation of emulations. 10 Mins Max. 5 groups per week.

(***) this is a first come first serve process for date selection and work selection. After Sept 23rd, I will accept emails about your proposal. I need to confirm your selection so your ideas are realistic and do not overlap too much other student presentations. I will keep an OSS post about selected works/teams/dates.

BTW, the best emulation(s) will become part of the class topics for the years to come with a proper mention of your valuable contribution!



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