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Yang style Taichi names


Thursday, Nov 24, 2016 - 02:20:13 pm

@ Kate-FYP: Everyday Fitness

Yang Style Hand Form

Chinese Pinyin English 1 預備 yù bèi Preparation 2 起式 qǐ shì Beginning style 3 攔雀尾 lán què wěi Block sparrow tail 4 單鞭 dān biān Single whip 5 提手上勢 tí shǒu shàng shì Raise hands, upwards power 6 白鶴涼翅 bái hè liáng chì White crane, cold wings 7 左摟膝拗步 zuǒ lǒu xī ǎo bù Left embrace knee, twist step 8 手揮琵琶 shǒu huī pí pá Hands play Pipa 9 左摟膝拗步 zuǒ lǒu xī ǎo bù Left embrace knee, twist step 10 右摟膝拗步 yòu lǒu xī ǎo bù Right embrace knee, twist step 11 左摟膝拗步 zuǒ lǒu xī ǎo bù Left embrace knee, Read more →
Categories: Final Project | Research

Arena Design and Concept


Sunday, Oct 30, 2016 - 01:17:04 am

@ Recreational Mobility Device

Arena is designed based on the concept of Modifiable Terrain and Machine Learning where the terrain “learns” the behaviour of the User and modify it’s surrounding to suit the scenario.

Reference Link: 3D printed flexible surface

Gameplay in these Arenas Include:

Capture the flag Tag Obstacle race / collecting points

Hi Gerald, Where do you think this arena will be ? I was thinking if it is at public places like parks / schools / HDB playgrounds....etc, there will be many people playing at the same time...So maybe this could be like a social activity. Maybe look into interactions between players? :)
Hi Ava, this is more of like a skate park, however cause of the number of mechanical parts in building this arena i don't think it should be advisable to put it outdoor due to weathering. However, definitely there will be a gameplay implemented that will improve social interaction and bonding. The next sketch i am going to post, will be touching on that using the VR/AR  system and it can be used outdoors or rather any empty space. :) Cheers!

Revised FYP summary


Wednesday, Oct 05, 2016 - 09:01:38 pm

@ Kate-FYP: Everyday Fitness

1.What do you need to design? (Product)

A fitness furniture/facility

2. What is its nature? ( Description)

The facility aims to learn from traditional Chinese regimen such as Taiji in order to design a product or system that could improve people’s fitness level, facilitate indoor exercise, especially in small space

3. Who is it for? (Audience)

For everyone who need to reduce mental and physical stress Read more →

Categories: Final Project
Hey Kate, I was thinking you could perhaps decide on one major group of audience, maybe by age/occupation/social group? I feel like too broad a range of user may cause a lot of difficulty for you later on
I read somewhere that this urban movement is largely caused by people moving to cities for better education and job opportunities. Most of them are young to middle age working adults. In big countries, sometimes it happens that all the young ppl moved away for jobs and leave their children/parents behind. Maybe u can check those out so you can strengthen your arguments :)
Kate, you have articulated yourself well. I hope you were able to deliver this deliberation to the faculty last Friday. Ava has some good points - perhaps we can look at which age group this can benefit more (30 to 50 years?)

The health benefits of tai chi


Monday, Oct 03, 2016 - 10:25:04 pm

@ Kate-FYP: Everyday Fitness


This gentle form of exercise can help maintain strength, flexibilyt, and balance, and could be the perfect activity for the rest of your life.

Tai chi is often described as “meditation in motion,” but it might well be called “medicationin motion.” There is growing evidence that this mind-body practice, which originated in China as a martial art, has value in treating Read more →

Categories: Final Project | Research



Friday, Sep 23, 2016 - 11:03:12 am

@ Kate-FYP: Everyday Fitness



AXIUS addresses your body across three planes of motion: tilt, rotation and roll. It allows you to reduce or increase degrees of instability to create safe, controllable stages of progression for building core strength and functional stability. Through this type of instability and balance training, you will recruit deep core and stabilizing muscles, not activated through traditional movements. These Read more →


Existing Products and Specs


Friday, Sep 09, 2016 - 10:33:55 am

@ Recreational Mobility Device

Here are all the more common mobility devices seen around our neighbourhood together with the engineering specifications for research purposes.

Categories: Final Project | Research
Tags: Research

My comments&reflection on Fitness furniture collection


Friday, Sep 02, 2016 - 12:50:03 pm

@ Kate-FYP: Everyday Fitness

my reflection & comments:

1.  mind consciousness

2.  simple aesthetics

3. visual and physical balance

4. sitting posture

My reflection&comments:

interesting product, the curve in the product assist people in doing crunches, as many beginners have difficulties in sit at there tail bone position.  the seat rise people higher, it avoid the awkwardness of exercising on the floor, in the office situation.

My Read more →