perfect pitches

By: permagnus |

The course DM3010 Project Development & Planning is coming to its end, with the last regular session taking place this week.

I wish to highlight the generous contributions by my colleagues: the ‘guest speakers’, Candice, Vlada, Louis-Philippe; the ‘hosts’ at our two excursions, Sara, Rob at SonoPort, and Zul, Sayeedah, Philip at CCA; our ‘outside-class’ guest lecturer Justin; and last but not least, Randall for introducing us to the OSS platform. I am indebted to each and every one of them for making this course so extraordinarily rich in content and inspiration!

The last session is dedicated to your ‘live’ presentation of ideas for a Final Year Project. I’ve asked the people listed above to attend and give feedback. I hope this arrangement will facilitate the process of matching students and supervisors, and together define the FYPs (a process which runs until 16 May).

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