Asg2: Extension of a case study

Choose one of the ‘case studies’ of this semester. Your task is to identify one specific project by one of the people (i.e. the artist-designers you have met in class and at excursions). Analyse their project, and imagine a creative extension that takes the existing, previous project to ‘the next level’ – whatever you think this will be!

You are the Project Manager. Imagine that you and the artist-designer, optionally with other team members, are working together on realising your ‘extension idea’. There is no budget limitation, but you should be realistic as well as adventurous.

Create a project description that includes a title, concept, short analysis of the previous work, schedule, budget, and resource requirements. Other elements might also be appropriate. Engage classmates and other people by posting your drafts and material on OSS as you go along.

Submit the final project description, maximum 4 pages, as one self-contained file (e.g. PDF) via email, on or before Sunday 23 April.

Note that this assignment places emphasis on your analysis of the previous work and your written project description, while Assignment 3 places emphasis on oral presentation (‘project pitch’).

The assignment will be assessed according to an evaluation of your:

  • preparatory classroom exercises;
  • OSS activity e.g. posts and comments
  • project description (written) detail;
  • project description (written) clarity.

In all, it carries a weight of 25% or less of the total grade.