Week 4 Assignment

By: khakang |

• Read and post a response on OSS (by midnight next Tuesday): Rafael Lozeno Hemmer

REFLECTION/SKETCH  to start ASSIGNMENT 1: Take the words you used described when prompted by question “What is the feeling you associate with HOME?” and create a SKETCH of how you might visualise this sensibility.  How has this changed due to Covid-19?

REFLECTION on the Singapore Heritage Light Up Singapore event.
This year, as part of SG 55, architectural landmarks were “lit up” to commemorate National Day.  Such culture and heritage initiatives are just one way in which our public spaces and monuments are refashioned using technology.  These events are curated to convey certain meanings and to make us consider our public spaces differently.- What is it that is being communicated?
– What might the “curators” have to consider to plan such a transformation?
– What alternate ways could YOU imagine transforming these sites to communicate something unique or unknown about Singapore culture?



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