in Micro-Project

Micro-project V: Desktop World




This is my desktop. There’s nothing on my desktop at all forĀ 2 reasons:

a) Everything on my computer is on Dropbox.

b) I like to open my laptop and be greeted with an image I love, without any icons blocking it. I also reduce the applications in dock to those that I use most frequently. I did this illustration during the summer break of 2014 and it’s one of my favourites. I was at a bar with my friends and I had an especially good time. I went home and did an illustration as a memory of that night – to me it reminds me that summer breaks are absolutely the best: having a good time with my friends, and having all the time in the world to do what I love.


Here’s my real “desktop” which is my main Dropbox folder. It’s very cluttered and I only do a clean up after the semester ends. Everything bit of data I have is on Dropbox. I can’t do without Dropbox and with it, I can work effortlessly on both on my desktop computer and laptop. It also saves me the trouble of constantly backing up my information on a portable disk. If my computers happen to crash, I don’t need to worry too much about the loss of data as well as everything I’m working on is always being saved and synced with the cloud server.




The “Projects” folder is probably the most important folder on my computer with all my life’s work.



Some projects that I am working on: the first is an illustration I completed for a magazine. The second one is my blog archive which I recently collated for my final project in this class as well as my Visual Communication core class.

So here you go! My desktop world is my workplace – a really busy and cluttered one.