dearrrrrrr data!

Today I was introduced to the work of Stefanie Posavec (Thanks Astrid!). I think this is most important thing I came across this week. I’ve been hitting a plateau of late, realising that I have a big bunch of concepts and data and not knowing what to do. So this came at the right time.

I was going to write a post this weekend about reducing things. I feel like I have a buffet of thoughts and references, and now it’s time to sit down and edit my research. I’ve decided to narrow it down to just analysing my blog data. I’m going to do away with the other things that I wanted to do, like remake my visual journals. I’m also going to explore ways that I can present my analysis in the outcomes I previously presented.

Here’s one that I came up with after class. I was going to do an illustrated piece on internet art and culture, but a part of my worries about the work being irrelevant, needless and appearing like I’m just doing a drawing for the sake of doing so. So Stefanie’s infographics really gave me an idea of how I can link the illustration with my concept.


I’m inspired by the methods that Stefanie use to make her infographics and show that data can be represented in illustration, and not just some abstract shapes, lines or graphs. That really gave me an idea of how I can make my illustration a form of infographic too. Above is a quick sketch I made to express this idea. Over the following week, I’m going to collate my tags from my blog entries. The tags will be colour coded. Colours will be applied accordingly when I’m making my illustration, making a link between the composition of the work and the analysis of the data.

I think infographics will definitely take my work to the next level, and help make my project concept more concrete. Certainly achieved quite a bit during today’s FYP meet. If people ask me what my project is about, now I can say to them “I am deconstructing my blog.” Over the next week, I will write more about it and start making some stuff. Excited.. 😀