in Project 2: Research and Development

Week 7: Design Refinement & Mock Up

Colour Palette

As I added more elements to the poster design, I wanted to restrict myself to three main colours. Of which I chose the primary colours to work with.

Readability & Legibility

Script typefaces were selected as I wanted to bring out the crafty sense. However, when I looked at the typeface again, it was difficult to read from a distance and at close up.







The cursive words were not ideal and I tried with another typeface that shows a scribble effect while retaining a san serif block typeface. Also, I worked with a white font colour so that it could pop out of the darker surface colour. Upon testing out this, it worked and I decided to use it for my final print out. 

Test Print 

A test print was done to see the layout of the final design. I felt that the visual elements were too many and I decided to reduce the scattered white pieces.