Week 4 : Presentation Preparation

Final Presentation Process

In my final presentation, I prepared a set of explanatory cards along with a prototype of the final badge. This way, I could see how the badge look in real context and support my explanation during the my presentation.

In addition, I placed the badge onto an image of the volunteers. Allowing others to see how my designed badge looks in context.

Chosen Design #01 B&W
Chosen Design #01 Greyscale Chosen Design #01 ColourFinal Design

With both fonts tested out, I had preference for the second design. The fonts are easier to read at a distance while it complements the overall design.

Chosen Design #02 B&W


Week 3 : Project One Digital Translation & Exploration

Digital Translation

During the translation of design, I did various arrangements and constantly got feedback from another person to see if my concept was retained after translation. Some parts were rather weak as it was a little cryptic and the message was difficult to decipher. Placement of objects were key but arrangement in terms of motifs facing upwards or downwards also played a part in creating the image which you want to portray.

The brush and palette icon was selected for final development. As I studied how the brush should be placed in order to show a fun spirited icon with the splashes as well as the torch/brush liberty message. The brush facing downwards did not seem to be successful as it did not show as a torch. Instead, it was simply a brush and palette motif at one glance.

Concept Development

Being a little stuck at the idea of a palette and brush, I decided to break out of its form and explored with the possibilities of a painted area rather than restricting its form to a palette. With a dripping painted block, I was able to captivate the viewer’s eyes to look at the words Art On The Move. However, the brush did not seem to be eye catching and memorable at this moment. I observed while going through the edits that the logo was weak when the words are removed. Hence, I continued to work on the logo motif trying to achieve the idea of a motif that spoke for itself.

I looked at how negative spaces could suggest closure and did different arrangements to look at dominant and subdominant figures. An S shaped palette was included to make suggestion of a line of motion. It was important that the text harmonised with the logo design and does not dominate the concept. Also, the many splashes seem to be complicating things and I worked on how I could retain just one drop of paint splash while retaining its efforts of suggesting movement.

Colour Palette

Colours were chosen and implemented onto the final design. It was difficult to determine which colour to use as too many tone or shades might not go along with the aesthetics of the logo design. As such, I looked at how I could work around complementary colours with reference to the vest colour theme. In addition to that, I looked at how different colours had its own representation and meaning behind it. In relation to the concept, I chose three colours that represented therapeutic, fun and liberation. 

Typography On Logo

Exploration of fonts were tested out on the final form. Serif fonts were easier to read while script fonts represented the organic form of creation. Varying font size showed the focus of the phase, with ART on the MOVE. Offsetting the ‘O’ upwards gives the word an upward lift when reading it as well. Typography in this context isn’t simply typing within a box.

Week 2 : Project 1 Translating & Exploring

Sketching & Concepts Exploration

Sketches were done up to study the possibilities of the various icons and motifs that could be included in the badge design. Upon seeking feedback, simplification was key to creating a logo that is easy to remember and captivating to the eyes. Most importantly, the line weight was not to be forgotten for the thinner lines may go out of sight when looking from a far.

Exploration Sketches

Initially, I did many thumbnail sketches to generate more ideas as I drew. Having the ideas revolve around Arts, Freedom and Warmth. 

Concept #01 : Freedom & Arts

To express the concept of freedom and arts, I begun looking at simple motifs that represents arts. Motifs like the colour palette and brushes were strong and easily identifiable as an art intention. I took the motif of freedom(dove) and begin simplifying it into lines. Where the curves creates an artist brush. After which, I added a hand holding it up as though showing a sense of pride while wearing the badges. 

Concept #02 : Arts and Warmth

Again, looking at the different possibilities of arts and crafts material, I took the colour palette and transformed it into a colour palette that had splashes of paint radiating out of it. 

Through feedback during the class critique, I was advised to fuse both concepts together to create one final badge design. 

Week 1 : Field Trip & Design Direction

Field Trip & Observations

During the first week of class, we went onto a field trip @ Ng Teng Fong Hospital. We were tasked to create a badge design for the art on-the-move programme @ NTF Hospital. The vest and existing badge designs were shown to us along with a short tour around the place. Introducing the arts around the hospital and how these programmes were being carried out.

Friendly environment in the hospital, different from the cold stereotype with various artworks placed around. Artworks are meant to ease the environment to allow patients to feel relaxed while recuperating. High exposure of arts programme as there is high foot traffic with the neighbouring malls and path connectors, this allows many to be able to appreciate the artworks while walking by.

Aims of the programme 

The aim of this programme was to provide a healing environment for the patients through art. A form of positive distraction or therapy for the patients as they participate in the programme. These programmes are sometimes carried out at their bedside to allow everyone to get a chance in participating as some might find it difficult to move around. The helpful and caring volunteers also encourages the patients as they accomplish beautiful art pieces which they might not feel they could achieve. Allowing them to feel a sense of pride in their works.

Design Direction

  • Pride while wearing the badges
  • Differentiate the volunteers
  • Programme Identity
  • Collectable Series of Badges

Concept & Explanation

Moodboards were created to form the imagery projection of my intended representation. The keywords which I picked were Freedom and Warmth. I chose these words because I felt that these words embodied the overall direction of Arts On The Move.

Moodboard #01 : Freedom

When the programme was being presented to us, I found out that one of the main focus of this programme was freedom. The liberation that patients seek when they are ill. The art on-the-move programme acts as this channel whereby patients are able to be liberated physically and mentally.

** Special Note: The badge also had an intention to allow the volunteers feel proud while wearing the badges. To incorporate the concept of pride, I chose to explore the possibilities of a trophy or torch (similar to the olympics)

Moodboard #02 : Warmth

Next, was the idea of home away from home. Patients stay varies from short to long term. The idea of living in a place away from home could be quite intimidating. Hence, I wanted to develop a concept to represent and portray the caring acts of volunteers. These members of the team carry out the activities and provide a form of support for the patients in need. The relationships developed made me think of the warmth in the environment. 

Small Group Discussion

During the small group discussion in class, I got to observe what others had thought of during the field trip. It was interesting to note that our brainstorming session led to a few main key words. Which became the focus of most of our projects.