Category: 2D Foundation – 2

Project 3- EGO

Concept and Ideas: As the home is the warmest place for me, I would like to show my ego in each part of my house. They are: bedroom, living room, kitchen and study room. 1) Disorder+Procrastination= Me In bedroom because it is my private space. Colour scheme: Tetrad Harmony 2) Happiness- Loneliness= A better me In living room, because I… Read more →

Project 2- Nursery Rhymes

Final Work: From what I understand on the rhyme, I think that Peter had actually eaten his wife. Since he is a pumpkin eater, and he kept his wife in a pumpkin shell. F  Jack fell down and broke his crown, so, what is the ending? The two teardrops on his face show the sadness of him because the part… Read more →

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