Team Member: Shermin, Soo Min, Wesley, Daniel, Merlin

Our team’s did a scene from the The Conjuring from a first person point-of-view from the Ghost. The question remains though, who IS the ghost? Is there even a Ghost?

During today’s lesson we learnt about Narrative Voice in FilmNarrative Voice vs Narrative-Voice Over POV. Some example includes Forest Gump and Trainspotting. Their tone can be used to introduce the character and the mood of the film.

We learnt that narrator is unnecessary when a character is dying (“JUST LET THEM DIE“) and to create suspense. This is exemplified in Blade Runner’s theatrical and director’s cut release.

There is also Point of View (1st, 2nd, 3rd person POV) and Narrative Voice (how story is conveyed, thinking out loud and epistolary voice). Some shooting techniques to represent focalization includes over-the-shoulder camera shot, internal thoughts, gaze shot, POV-shot, and reaction shot.

Another concept we covered is shifting narrative with an example being the unreliable narrator of the first-person POV (The Sixth Sense, Fight Club, America Beauty). The Sixth Sense uses this technique to twist the ending while FIght Club uses this to foreshadow future events.

Lastly we covered third-person POV with Subjective: Limited and Omniscient. One other thing we were taught is the avoid telling viewers what to think. We can use omniscient POV to establish the world and backstory but we should avoid using this technique to tell the audience what they already know.