(REVLIS) Lore: Architecture

If you actually follow my Lore posts, you will realise that I have written a list of places in town in this post.


The landmarks are simply the places townspeople frequent the most, hence are also larger in terms of size, easy to recognize.

The Plaza

Located right in the center of town, it is a huge area with a bonfire always burning.


Right next to the plaza, it curves along the circular edge. There is a stall where anyone can get food when they are hungry. The stall is located at one end of the curve, and behind the stall is a fairly large cooking area. The stall is basically just a long wooden table, with pots and pans filled with food that anyone can help themselves to. The other parts of the table are stacked with plates, bowls and utensils.

At the other end of the canteen is a washing area that the townspeople can use to wash the dishes after eating.


Located closer to the outer ring of the town, it is a strange material, different from all the other buildings here that are usually made with mud bricks, straw.

Many townspeople come here to chill and relax, as it is usually quiet.