DATAMOSHING (continuation on Research Critique: Glitch Aesthetics (The Collapse of PAL))

In this self-directed project, I refer to DATAMOSHING: Image bending under Glichet Resources (Click on me, you know you want to :)).

According to the resources, I made glitches with Audacity, an open source, cross-platform audio editor and recorder.

For this project, I would like to share 27 glitches (and one that is an original image I had created) in a pdf: Glitch with Audacity, where I create glitches through image bending with audacity.

The following is a short video I tried to piece together with sound tracks from YouTube. Credits for sound: Coolal and EB7BMV

As compared to the previous video I did titled Rosa Menkman (can be found here), the difference between the two can be observed by the experimental techniques. For the previous video, I made use of a pre-set online glitching tool to create the glitch images, whereas for this video, I experiment with image bending with Audacity.

This new approach provided me with a better understanding of how certain types of glitch are created. Audacity allows me to trace back my footsteps and work flexibly back and forth, whereas the pre-set online glitching tool does not have the “Step backwards”/ “Undo” button and the “Step forward”/ “Redo” button. Moreover, after working with Audacity, I realised that it provided me a wider scope of glitch patterns as compared to the pre-set online glitching tool. Personally, I actually prefer the aesthetics of the glitched images made with the online glitching tool. That being said, both Audacity and online glitching tool have proved to be very useful tools for creating glitch art.


Author: Ong Xin Hong

Painting is not just a mere documentation of what you see.

One thought on “DATAMOSHING (continuation on Research Critique: Glitch Aesthetics (The Collapse of PAL))”

  1. Excellent Xin Hong for taking the initiative to run your own experiments and for your comparison between the accidental processes and the more prescribed glitch tools. Yes, Audacity is another way of achieving glitch results, though in my experiments I have found this conversion to yield very similar results: an all over quality of noise. However I’m sure with practice, it is possible to achieve some interesting results and you have shown some of those possibilities.

    If this is something you are interested in, you might consider doing some more experiments and then editing together the results using Adobe Premiere or some other video editing software. Also, we will be using Max/MSP later this semester in conjunction with our final project to create even more sophisticated glitch possibilities, and perhaps you would like work on that. We’ll be discussing the roles everyone will be playing during the next two weeks.

    Good work!!

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