Narratives for Interaction: Documentation and Progress VIII


Goh Cher See | Nicholas Makoto | Zhou Yang

Project Occupation Game Art

We have completed the game scene to the point whereby the traitor will be faced with moral dilemma of interrogating people that he knows.  


We are still having problems with the gaming mechanics in terms of coding. For demonstration purpose, we are planning to use scripted scenes to explain our game flow if we are not able to resolve the issues before the final presentation.

At the same time we are also working on the narrative content of the game. We are trying to include first hand accounts by witnesses to give the game a more personal connection with its players. We will also be adding in bits of stories that led up to Sook Chin to give enough information for the players to have a clearer understanding of the event. 

Author: Zhou Yang

Things can go wrong but life goes on. 人生没有如果只有结果。

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