Max Assignment 2: Tracker

The project

This max assignment aims to allow us to experience the technical steps involves in creating an eye tracking set up. A video is needed to be pre-recorded and imported onto Max. Using the functions of Max, a patch will be created to match the value of the face received through the webcam with the frames of the video. Through matching the values and the frames, the motion of the face will trigger the part of the video that corresponds to it. 







The challenges and problems

It took me a while to understand the logic behind the idea of matching values of the face with the frames of the videos. However, the patch that I created is still technically lacking in many aspects. It is still affected by many conditions that my patch did not take into account. Very often, the motions of the face did not correspond to the ones in the video. The video also continued to loop when there was no face in front of the screen. The presence of multiple faces in front of the screen also affected the accuracy of the tracking. 





The reflection

Through building up my patch for this assignment, I learned much more valuable technical knowledge. It was interesting in trying to figure out the values and its connections with the frames of the videos. The whole process of trying to get the set up to work was intriguing and satisfying. I start to slowly see the connection between the different commands and functions though there are still much more to learn. These assignments served as great exposures for me to understand and appreciate the capabilities of Max.

The documentation video for this assignment will be up soon. I am currently having some issues with premier pro. Such is life. 

Max Assignment 1: Magic Mirror

The project

This first max assignment aims to equip us with the relevant technical skills to create a mirror that dims itself when a person gets close to it. Through the process, it intends to expose us to the different aspects of Max and its applicable functions for future possibilities. 

The sensing of the face was done with the webcam. Through the values collected, we can calculate the size of the face. Hence, the distance between the webcam and the face can be determined as the nearer the face is to the webcam the larger the face will be.  





The challenges and problems

To obtain the collect range of values for the face proved to be a challenge for me. This is crucial as they determine the brightness of the screen the user is interacting with. Through numerous experimentation, I realized the quality of the webcam is also important for this assignment. At times, my face cannot be detected and thus affects the transition of the brightness of the screen. The brightness transition of the screen was also affected when there are multiple faces appearing in front of the screen.





The reflection

This is my first time experimenting with Max. It was very challenging for me as I was very confused with the different functions and how to join them together to perform various tasks. The responses provided by the console was of little help to me as my technical knowledge of Max is still limited. At times, I was aware of what are the steps that were needed to be performed to carry our certain task. But I was unable to execute it as I was not sure of the necessary commands. However, I feel that this is just a learning process I have to go through. I believe Max will create many possibilities for my potential future projects. 

The documentation video for this assignment will be up soon. I am currently having some issues with premier pro. Such is life. 

Narratives for Interaction Sharing: The Man From Earth

The Man From Earth talks about the story of a college professor that is a stone age man. He managed to survive to modern day time. During his farewell gathering, he revealed to his fellow colleagues his true identity. They were stunned by his story, and an engaging discussion occurred among them debating about the stone age man’s fascinating identity. 

It is an intriguing science fiction movie. It emphasized immensely on the importance of story quality in a movie. I feel the movies in modern times especially sci-fiction genre focus too much on other areas of the movie elements such as the visual effects and hiring famous actors or actress. Somehow along the way, it causes the movie to lost its magic as a satisfying storytelling medium. 

The Man From Earth did just the opposite of what most of the conventional movies are doing. The entire movie was filmed in an apartment with some outdoor scenes around the apartment. The main bulk of the movie was spent focusing on the development of the story and the verbal interaction among the people. Many thought provoking questions and ideas were raised and discussed among the people. Even sensitive topics such as religion were examined. It caused viewers of the movie to rethink about the information they possessed that shaped their world through the words of the characters in the movie.