Project 1b: Thinking Sequentially – Text and Image

The poem, Fire and Ice, talks about the extremity between two elements and the possibility of mass destruction. The extremity in the poem reminds me of the mental state of mankind. I personally believe that the destruction of earth will not be caused by nature, but rather in the hands of man. We take things for granted and we consume more than we produce, all for the sake of our survival. This alone is an issue that has not been addressed.

The extremity that is talked about in this poem also inspired me to make reference to a play 4.48 Psychosis written by British playwright, Sarah Kane. Sarah Kane writes about someone suffering from clinical depression, which was also a disorder Kane suffered from. Many believe that the play was Kane’s suicide note as she committed suicide not long after she wrote the play.

In the play, she wrote about destruction, as quoted below:
“the only thing that’s permanent is destruction
we’re all going to disappear
trying to leave a mark more permanent than myself.”

This could be linked to the idea of the destruction of humankind in Frost’s poem. The extremity in one’s mental state of mind can be destructive in our lives, evident in Sarah Kane’s work, many of our historical leaders and other examples. Fire and ice can also symbolise the “anger” and “pain” in the human emotion. When set ablaze, these emotions can change our mental state and let loose destructive behaviour. It can destroy not only ourselves, but the people and environment around us, as we let our personal selfishness and greed take over our minds.

In the image sequence, one sees the fire in the lady first, followed by the ice in the man. These photos show the calm before the storm – man in their “normal state of mind”. The colours in the photos are pictures of sunset and mountains. There is also a soft overlay of man-made materials, such as metal and cement in the pictures. This is to further represent the contrast in “fire” and “ice”. The last image show an animal skeleton and a woman curled up, bonded by two distinct colours – red and blue. This is to symbolise the destruction mentioned in the poem, where in the end, the worst enemy is ourselves.

4.48 Psychosis by Sarah Kane

Fire: Eutah Mizushima / Stefanus Martanto Setyo Husodo
Ice: Jake Melara / Luca Zanon
Death: Sebastian Boguszewicz / Volkan Olmez / Josefa Holland-Merten / Oscar Keys

Project 1: Picture Story – Curating Self

T1_NECK_ossT1_CANVAS_ossT1_PALETTE_ossTASK 1: ME Imperfections
These photos put emphasis on the imperfections in life. We are constantly seeking perfection in our lives. As a perfectionist who is constantly trying to fighting imperfections, these series of photographs aim to amplify the beauty in imperfection. We are always quick to spot imperfections and make unsupported judgements of the people around us. We often forget about the importance of looking at the big picture. Textures are made up of tiny imperfections combined together.


Frames support and give shape. In this instance, the frame represent the comfort zone that I always stay within, showing no signs of struggle. The frame was a result of a fight with my family. It shows the ugly side of my life, in contrast to the seemingly normal exterior. Having the frame placed above my eyes shows my goal to step out of my comfort zone. Without my sight, I believe I can take risks better without fear.


TASK 3: MY WORLD Departure
It is not news that the Dakota estate in Singapore will be undergoing en-bloc. Shops, families and history will be forced to move out of their decades-old homes. Physical memories of the area will no longer exist and it is very sad to know that this is the result of industrialisation.

I decided to use framing in composition because I wanted to create the user experience for the viewer. The first image shows the inside of a clinic, the second through a dustbin, the third through the holes of the architecture. I also found it ironic that National Day decorations were hung outside the buildings of a vacated flat.

The self-portrait and object was harder to capture as it is not easy to use things to represent oneself. I particularly enjoyed task 3 because I was able to interact with the environment and the people living in there. It was, however, challenging to find interesting photography angles. I found myself questioning why I chose to photograph a place faraway from the school but the experience was worth the effort.

During this project, I spoke with some of the residents and workers of Dakota Cresent. They shared about their views in politics (this was right before the election period) and their experience in Singapore. It was an eye-opener for a youth like myself and I feel sad knowing that this place will no longer be the same a year later. It was an experience no one can replicate. When the residents leave, there will be no one to retell their stories and no one will know of their struggles, just as how Dakota Crescent will cease to exist.

This short prose expresses the thoughts about My World:



  1. Framing in compositional / Rule of Thirds
  4. Photography of Steve Winters, talk

Photo 3-9-15 17 30 45Photo 3-9-15 17 30 03Photo 3-9-15 17 29 44

**Images of Task 3 were placed on the pillar to recreate the “emotions” of Dakota Crescent.