Chapter I: The Heart of Hollowfort

It is a new day for the people of Hollowfort and the townspeople have long since started their day. Walking along the streets, one could smell the rich aroma of coffee and the freshly baked pastries drifting down the streets. The machines clinked and chugged, steam floated into the sky and yells from the newspaper boy could be heard from streets away.

Unknown to the townspeople, travelers have arrived at an old, abandoned inn located near the edge of the town, towards the forested grounds. A faded sign by the front says, “Heart Inn”. An old man sits by a counter opposite an antique sofa, as if expecting company. The place is dimly-lit and in front of the counter lies a narrow passageway leading deeper into the rooms. The passageway is lined with cages of dead animals, all preserved through the art of taxidermy.

Despite its appearance, the inn seems to be overflowing with a certain sense of warmth. You walk towards the Inn, tired from travelling.

Author: Xin Feng

Chasing imperfection.

9 thoughts on “Chapter I: The Heart of Hollowfort”

  1. Elise:

    Tired from a long day of travelling, I opened the door of “Heart Inn”.

    Today’s loots have been goooooooooood. The Antis sure have a lot of rare artifacts, so i have managed to sell them to the black market and earned a decent amount today. More than enough to stay for the night, i thought.

    “Single room with two beds for one night please!”

  2. The old man smiles at you mysteriously and reaches for the key cabinet built behind his counter. He passes you a set a keys for room 12 and gestures towards the end of the corridor.

    You take the keys and head towards the given direction. The corridor seems to darken as you walk to your room. You notice that the walls are lined with photos of Hollowfort in its glorious days. A familiar-looking factory seems to appear in most of the photos. Unamused, you carry on walking.

    You enter the room and you are amazed by the Victorian-themed decorations, a stark contrast to the worn-down exterior appearance of the inn. Two beds stood adjacent to one another, separated by a nightstand. You put down your baggage and…

    1. Explore the inn. The familiar-looking factory has been bugging you.
    2. Lay down and sleep as you are tired from the long night.

  3. Elise:

    As i was still not really tired from the journey as I had sold everything earlier than expected, I decide to explore the inn.

    The familiar-looking factory has been constantly bugging me. Where have I seen it before?

    1. Just as you were wandering about wondering about the factory, someone enters the inn. It was the town blacksmith’s daughter. You have known each other since you were a child and by pure coincidence, you meet at the inn.

      You both acknowledge each other and decide stay together and explore the inn.

  4. Propelled by curiosity, Elise and I continue to wander around the inn, in attempt to discover any more photos or relics about the factory that could answer some of our questions.

    However, after walking aimlessly for nearly an hour, we discover nothing out of the ordinary.

  5. Both Raquel and Elise come to a decision to go back to their rooms to rest. Raquel has had many late nights prior to this to complete a project at her father’s. She is thus as tired as Elise despite it being broad daylight.

    Some time into the day, they jolt awake upon hearing a commotion outside. It is followed by loud, heavy thuds. Was it the old man? Is it the town’s Antis who have come to take those who oppose them?

    Footsteps approach their room.

    As Raquel and Elise readied themselves, an impatient banging on the door was heard.

    “Three men,” whispers Elise.

    “Open up! Open up!” demands the voice outside the door.

    1) Both to jump out of the window (roll dices against agility).
    2) Both to take on the unknown men outside (roll dices against strength).

  6. Elise:

    I shouldn’t risk my life here. I haven’t find out the truth of many things yet. However, those people might have a clue to the truth, which can be a lead.

    If i run, i would probably be successful. Blacksmith girl might not be able to catch up though.

    I am definitely not a fighter, I have no idea whether i would be successful in taking down all three men, even if the blacksmith girl is here.

    To run, or not to run? To fight, or not to fight?

    [OOC] I rolled a 6 for agility and a 11 for strength [/OOC]

  7. I consider facing the men head on, but decide otherwise. We were outnumbered, and we didn’t even know their build or the weapons they had. It was definitely better to evade any form of trouble.

    I look around the room for an escape route, my eyes settling on a narrow window.

    Rolled die:
    Agility: 6
    Strength: 11

  8. Looking around the room, Raquel and Elise decide to escape through the window. Elise grabs her belongings along with some of the inn’s valuables. Raquel prepares the escape route where both of them managed to sneak out of – but not without some sacrifice.

    Raquel grazes her knee and some of Elise’s stolen goods fall onto the ground. The window leads towards the forest and it might be a little dangerous to travel through the forested grounds at this time of the day. One of the fallen items from Elise’s goods catches her eye.

    It is a photo of a factory stolen from the inn. Elise reaches for it and sees a set of letters written on it: HEART

    She picks it up and motions to Raquel to follow her into the forest.

    Both of them enter the forest just as their room door bursts open.

    (Continue to Chapter 2)

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