Month: April 2018

Museum of Marine Life 2119 – Update ONE

Recap of my concept: Introduction I decided to change my concept from looking into the future to looking back from the future. With this shift of perspective, I realised that more could be done with the concept regarding anthropecene. In this update, I will explain my newer idea with consist of surveying groups of people to get feedback for my… Read more →

Final Project Update by Bao and Fabian – FINAL Update – The Paddler

Created by Bao Songyu and Fabian Kang for ADM, NTU’s Interactive Spaces, supervised by Prof. Louis-Philippe Demers. The Paddler is an exhilarating good old race to ‘fetch’. However, in our version of the game, the catch is that both players will have to move around the space and see their surroundings through the use of a human-sized vehicle we designed… Read more →

FYP Ideation – Update THREE

Introduction I decided to change my concept from looking into the future to looking back from the future. With this shift of perspective, I realised that more could be done with the concept regarding anthropecene. In this update, I will explain my newer idea with consist of surveying groups of people to get feedback for my work. I guess this… Read more →

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