Category: Interactive Spaces

Final Project Update by Bao and Fabian – FINAL Update – The Paddler

Created by Bao Songyu and Fabian Kang for ADM, NTU’s Interactive Spaces, supervised by Prof. Louis-Philippe Demers. The Paddler is an exhilarating good old race to ‘fetch’. However, in our version of the game, the catch is that both players will have to move around the space and see their surroundings through the use of a human-sized vehicle we designed… Read more →

Final Project Update by Bao and Fabian – Update ONE

 Artist reference Bruce Nauman, Going around the corner piece (1970), white-washed wallboard cube 284 x 654 x 654 cm, 4 live-video close circuit camera, 4 television sets with live playback. This is a simple yet intriguing complex installation. Participants move in a square corridor, clockwise. At any one corner of the perimeter, they see themselves on the television set placed in the… Read more →

Help Yourself – Interactive Spaces Project By Bao and Zifeng

Help Yourself is an idea to let participants grasp the concept of helping others to help yourself. Participants are given two bowls of fruit loops and two rods with a spoon attached to end of each rod. There is only two rules. First Rule: Participants can only hold the handle Second Rule: Participants cannot eat directly from the bowl Findings: If the… Read more →

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