Final Project Rehearsal

Posted by Songyu Bao on Tuesday, 24 October 2017

We did a run for this project rehearsal. We focus on the technical aspect of handling our phones as well as the flow of our content.

During our meeting, we decided to use a few different concepts to broadcast. One of the most tricky parts was the passing of the phones and the passing of faces as shown above. We do need to use the horizontal grid that Randall provide to allow us to know how we can improve the overall flow of our broadcast.


The above is a passing of our phones and we hope that from the grid , we will be able to see some really cool effect. I think we need to practice more of the talking in the circle at the end as it is very disorienting for everyone to walk towards a same direction and spinning as a group.

Overall, the visual were really interesting as it gives very wide range of action. The change from selfie mode to camera mode allows the viewers have a very good understanding of the environment.



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