Museum of Marine Life 2119 – Update EIGHT- Creature ONE process, part ONE

Creature ONE process, part ONE

Started this first creature with creating tabulation for all the features and characteristics given by people in the surveys, below are the fully results from the survey regarding creature one (octopus):

Physical appearance

1 8 tapered cylindrical limbs that extend from its bulbous large head
2 Its arms have suction cups on the underside
3 On the underside of its bulb head is a beak like a parrot, its two round eyes are on the side
of its head
4 Its skin can change it’s appearance both in colour and texture; to either camouflage or
intimidate other creatures
6 It is soft bodied and has eight-arm which have a webbed structure near the joints
8 The largest species of octopus can grow up to about 9m arm to arm length and 270Kg
9 It is usually greyish or orangish with dots
10 It has a huge head which contains a relatively large brain too
12 They have 9 tentacles
14 Their appearance may be hideous and looks frightening
16 8 tentacles
17 Spherical head
18 Crawl on the seabed with the tentacles
20 Grey in colour
25 It is soft-bodied
27 Really strong legs
28 Huge head
29 Various colours
30 Its huge size
31 8 tentacles
32 2 eyes
33 1 bulgy head
34 a lot of suction cups
35 1 mouth with sharp teeth
37 Has 8 tentacles
38 Bulbous body
41 Its has a gradient of reddish-blue coloured body and its slightly translucent
42 It has many tentacles and it move with a mix of graceful movement and at times explosive
43 It has 2 eyes and the colour is different on each side
46 8 tentacles have several suckers beneath, that maybe can be moved independently
47 Whole body: squishy and flexible
48 Bulbous head (roughly oval) which is attached to the body which might resemble a volcano
or a big tree trunk with large stretched out roots (buttress roots), these buttress roots are
what the tentacles resembles
49 colour of body does not stay the same as its skin has the ability to change and mimic the
52 It has 8 tentacles that is versatile
53 It has a huge head for its brain
60 They consist of many distinctive features, arms, tentacles, beak
61 They have 8 legs
62 They are usually bright coloured and can change colours
63 They have a big head
65 They have no skeleton and move very fluidly
66 Gelatinous
68 Appearance varies with species
71 It has eight limbs
76 The octopus is soft bodied with a very large head and has 8 tentacles
77 They are boneless and can squeeze in/out of very tight spaces
83 They contain internal organs on their heads which is a unique feature
84 Their 8 legs are covered with suckers underside
85 3 hearts, 9 brains and blue blood
86 Vibrant colours
87 Unique patterns
88 8 legs
89 Big head
90 Long legs
92 Able to move fast as it has 8 legs
94 Very cool looking body
95 Good control of their 8 flexible legs
97 People will hunt for tentacles, so octopus will be having prosthetics

Physical appearance Tally

1 Head 12
2 Tentacles 11
3 Color 9
4 Legs 7
5 Body 6
6 Arms 5
7 Eyes 3
8 Beak 2
9 Size 2
10 Suction cup 2
11 Suckers 2
12 Brain 2
13 Limbs 2
14 Hearts 1
15 Patterns 1
16 Skeleton 1
17 teeth 1


5  It can also squirt ink defensively
7  It is able to expel black ink to defend itself against predators
11  They can multi-task
13  Their IQ is very high, i.e. they could escape from a jar
23 It can solve complex problems
24 It can mimic other lifeform’s behaviour
26 Its ability to spray black liquid to protect itself or hunt for prey
36 Changes physical appearance to blend into their surrounding
40 Curious about their environment
44 It camouflages and it is super flexible
45 It’s very playful and can bounce from one spot to another
50 Can escape from glass jar by unscrewing the lid of the jar and aquarium tanks
54 It camouflages and it is super flexible
55 It’s known for being smart
57 most times portray very strong characteristics
58 They can look like their surroundings
59 Mimic other animals
64 They can expand and contract their bodies to fit into tight spaces
69 Can camouflage very well and fast
70 Ink spray is damn bad ass like I don’t have time fo’dis bitch, eat my shit
73 It expels ink as a form of defence
75 It is very intelligent
78 They are intelligent and know how to make use of tools to get what they want
79 They squirt ink to deter predators
80 Some can camouflage to escape predators
82 Water pueld out of a structure known as funnel.
91 It is a master of disguise
93 Highly intelligent to escape from a ship
99 Characteristics: Octopus might be very good at camouflaging itself

Behaviour Tally
1 Camouflage 7
2 Ink 5
3 Intelligent 5
4 escape 3
5 mimic 2
6 Solve problems 1
7 Curious 1


19 Expansion and contraction of tentacle to swim
22 It has various methods of locomotion-crawling and swimming
39 Move by crawling or propelling themselves with jets of water
51 It glides gracefully
56 They are very alien with a very unique way for swimming
67 Strong and fluid movement
74 It can move by expelling a jet of water
81 Movement through a form jet propulsion
96 Octopus will be amphibious due to global warming, can swim and walk

Movement Tally
1 Swim 4
2 Crawl 2
3 Propel 1
4 Glides 1
5 Walk 1

21 It is an octopod
72 It is venomous
80 Some can camouflage to escape predators
98 Octopus will be aggressive towards human beings due to hunting
100 They could re-grow parts of their body

The chunk of information on top has already been categorised into physical appearance, movement, behaviour and information. Next I extract the details of Physical appearance and categorise them even further to get features for each body part. Below is the results:

Physical appearance

Head – Glass Sphere
8 tapered cylindrical limbs that extend from its bulbous large head
On the underside of its bulb head is a beak like a parrot, its two round eyes are on the side of its head
It has a huge head which contains a relatively large brain too
Spherical head
Huge head
1 bulgy head
Bulbous head (roughly oval) which is attached to the body which might resemble a volcano or a big tree trunk with large stretched out roots (buttress roots), these buttress roots are what the tentacles resembles
It has a huge head for its brain
They have a big head
The octopus is soft bodied with a very large head and has 8 tentacles
They contain internal organs on their heads which is a unique feature
Big head

Tentacles – Mole’s tentacles – leech’s suckers
They have 9 tentacles
8 tentacles
Crawl on the seabed with the tentacles
8 tentacles
Has 8 tentacles
It has many tentacles and it move with a mix of graceful movement and at times explosive
8 tentacles has several suckers beneath, that maybe can be moved independently
It has 8 tentacles that is versatile
They consist of many distinctive features, arms, tentacles, beak
People will hunt for tentacles, so octopus will be having prosthetics

Legs – Spider, as it has the ability to camouflage and hunt
Really strong legs
They have 8 legs
Their 8 legs are covered with suckers underside
8 legs
Long legs
Able to move fast as it has 8 legs
Good control of their 8 flexible legs

Body- Spider
Bulbous body
It has a gradient of reddish-blue coloured body and its slightly translucent
Whole body: squishy and flexible
colour of body does not stay the same as its skin has the ability to change and mimic the environment
Very cool looking body
It is soft-bodied
It is soft bodied and has eight-arm which have a webbed structure near the joints
Appearance varies with species

Arms – Praying mantis – Camouflages and has arms
Its arms have suction cups on the underside

2 eyes
It has 2 eyes and the colour is different each side

Its huge size
The largest species of octopus can grow up to about 9m arm to arm length and 270Kg

Suction cup
a lot of suction cups

Brain – Animal brain
3 hearts, 9 brains and blue blood

It has eight limbs

Colour – bleached due to pollution
Its skin can change it’s appearance both in colour and texture; to either camouflage or intimidate other creatures
It is usually greyish or orangish with dots
Grey in colour
Various colours
They are usually bright coloured and can change colours
Vibrant colours

Patterns – Butterfly, eye like patterns on the side of the head
Unique patterns

Teeth – Mechanism
1 mouth with sharp teeth

No skeleton
They are boneless and can squeeze in/out of very tight spaces
They have no skeleton and move very fluidly


Expansion and contraction of tentacle to swim
It has various methods of locomotion-crawling and swimming
They are very alien with a very unique way for swimming

Movement through a form jet propulsion
Move by crawling or propelling themselves with jets of water

It glides gracefully

Octopus will be amphibious due to global warming, can swim and walk
Strong and fluid movement
It can move by expelling a jet of water
They can expand and contract their bodies to fit into tight spaces


Camouflage – spider, praying mantis stance while trying to blend into the environment
It camouflages and it is super flexible
Can camouflage very well and fast
They can look like their surroundings
It is a master of disguise
Changes physical appearance to blend into their surrounding
Characteristics: Octopus might be very good at camouflaging itself
Some can camouflage to escape predators

Ink – Ink vials on the back to contain ink as well as colors for changing skin color
It can also squirt ink defensively
It is able to expel black ink to defend itself against predators
Ink spray is damn badass like I don’t have time fo’dis bitch, eat my shit
It expels ink as a form of defence
They squirt ink to deter predators
Its ability to spray black liquid to protect itself or hunt for prey

It is very intelligent
Highly intelligent to escape from a ship
They are intelligent and know how to make use of tools to get what they want
It’s known for being smart

Their IQ is very high, i.e. they could escape from a jar
Can escape from glass jar by unscrewing the lid of the jar and aquarium tanks

Mimic other animals
It can mimic other lifeform’s behaviour

Solve problem
It can solve complex problems

Curious about their environment

It’s very playful and can bounce from one spot to another

They can multi-task


It is an octopod
It is venomous
Octopus will be aggressive towards human beings due to hunting
They could re-grow parts of their body


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