RESPONSE: Previous iLight festival project

The first project I though of was this piece that I went there personally on 2012 iLight Marina. I could not find any information about it so I would describe it from my memory.

This piece actually was place on somewhere that is not very obvious, however it attract my attention because it was only this straight of light with changing of colour. I was really confused what is it about until my brother in law came along to demonstrate.

Those images shown up when we set our camera in long exposure and turn the camera from left to right with tripod. It was really amazing and leave me with deep impression, I still not sure how they actually do this. Maybe they divide the image in to pixel in lines so while flashing different lines would result in the camera long exposure.

Although this piece was a really smart I feel that there was not enough indication on how we should look at this piece. I might really missed it without my brother in law explanation.

Next, this project was showcase in 2014 name CLOUD. The interactive sculpture was made up by 6,000 light bulbs created by Canadian Artist Caitlind r.c. Brown & Wayne Garrett. Light bulb are collected by the artist from surrounding community whether its new or burn. CLOUD allow the viewers to pull the chain to illumination of the cloud hope to create wonder and inspire re-imagining of their potential. As the viewer engage, indirectly creates a kind of social interaction between the viewer. Moreover, viewers out side of the installation would see a different dynamics every time. I feel this piece really catches my attention from far and near I would really want to play with this in real life.

Overall, I think a good installation art will leave people with some emotion through the experience. Because human are forgetful but the experience they attain would leave them with feeling. People will usually remember feeling as compare to what really happen. Also, indication are also important for people to understand the artwork. If the artwork is not intuitive design like the CLOUD sculpture, then it should specify somewhere that is visible to the viewer which the first example did not.

Author: Su Hwee Lim

I am a picky vegetarian who is a left hander. A Minority in minority.

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