ADM-DIP GREEN – Development Process [Discussion on 16 OCT 2017]

After the presentation, we have taken the feedback in to consideration and made some possible improvement.

Ideas Improvements:

  • Animation (Light Pattern)
    – Cater to high number of people

    – Changes according to the distance of the people to the sensor, no longer about how many people within the installation

    – Can also play with colour of light such as cool colour to prevent misleading ideas from strong colours. Each cluster can have a individual colour

    – Make it appealing for people who do not know that they are actually triggering a sensor

    – If we have people inside, even if they are going in a line, the sensor will also be constantly triggered

    – Having a smaller pattern – or even about duration, if we have 5 min of animation then how many triggers we need to set off an animation (light show) After the sensor being “ON” for 15 seconds, a programmed 1min light show will automatically be played throughout the installation. After the 1min light show, the sensor goes back to “OFF” until the next trigger is on.

    – or look into loops

    – One person will trigger a normal ripple effect

    – Two to three people will trigger a 2-3 colliding ripple effect

    – Light show can be “Rippling Out” effect and from one cluster to another

  • Add in audio for the installation
    – PING: Let the chimes vary with the ripples to enhance of the effect.
  • Audio
    – Speakers but we having problem with waterproofing and it might block out the sound if we covered it with something
    – Determine if the speaker should be directional or just ambience
  • Live cam on the top of the installation to show the overall effect to audience or it can be linked to iLight website for online viewers 

    Executing Plans:

  • Platform for Anchoring: Boardwalk/Pallet
    Boardwalk would be a better choice for us as it would cover up the wiring and provide extra shield our wirings
  • Weatherproof methods: we can use Rubber Caps on top for the LED
  • Area A1 – Think of a way to install so that it resonates with the existing sculpture

For detailed proposal:

  • Actual blueprint of installation (Pascal)
    – Walking space for audience
    – Distance between each stalk
    – Determine the number of stalks we have
  • Whole Installation Space: 10m x 10m
    Minimal Height for a cluster: 50cm ;
    Maximum Height for a cluster: 100cm ;
    Heights for cluster: 50cm, 70cm, 100cm

    The cluster has the combination of different heights to create more variety and giving a more natural appearance.

  • Determine the cost for each tower, which includes the cost of the platform

Add Ons:

  • Make use of an application for the audience to interact with the installation
    – HS: Let the audience wear ear piece each and choose the pattern they want and they will see and hear the pattern they’ve chosen

    – YY: Can make use of hashtag of our installation and different number of hashtag will result in a different colour

    We might not be using an application due to the complexity nature that might hang up the system for arduino. Considering if large amount of traffic in the web controlling the light would be confusing or frustrating to the user. We also though of what teamLab is doing putting a ipad at the installation to control however it only react to one person did not achieve what we wanted about the ripple effect. Instead we suggest to link up with iLight website that we have suggested above.

  • Application For Interaction with Audience:
    – Maybe we can have a website instead
    – With our live projection
    – Instagram hashtag triggering different impact
    – Application is too much of a hassle
  • Think about budget – for prototype – use cheaper material to determine the scale
  • Crowdfunding for each piece of light tower – so people “sponsor” each light tower and they get to bring it home with them, Customisation methods:Acrylic sheet with thickness or rasterising on the tube itself – make use of cursive fonts and putting shorter alphabets on the center



Author: Su Hwee Lim

I am a picky vegetarian who is a left hander. A Minority in minority.

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