Daily Archives: February 18, 2019

DR3005_06_Short Reading: Another Scale of Architecture

Another Scale of Architecture

The reading is Ishigami, J. (2010). Another scale of architecture. Kyoto: Seigensha.

Scale is a really interesting concept, it affects us more than we think it is. We have this perception of how certain scales are meant for certain things. Especially in architecture and design for outdoor environment where the space can be easily compared to the nature, in which the idea of scale is integrated and naturally felt.

Imagine seeing a huge building form the outside and then we look up to see the sky and back seeing the building. The building that at first seems grand and huge become somehow smaller in scale and we receive different feeling and perception of the building than before. It is the power of scale. Something that has been integrated so well in our life that we take it as a natural phenomenon and does not really  take it as something that we, as human, really has control about.

But, what if design challenge it? What if design defy the common perception of scale and created something unusual? Seems interesting 🙂