Tag Archives: wayang kulit

2D_001_Process: Que Sara


Here is the process for all the shortlisted jobs.

  • Chinese Vampire Hunter (initial idea was Ghost Hunter)
    Ghost Hunter Brainstorm
    Ghost Hunter Brainstorm

    Honestly, this is the most exciting ones. I researched ghost from different countries in Asia.
    After consultation, I realized that we are supposed to take elements from the ghost hunter, not the ghost itself ._.
    A significant amulet is the jiangshi paper to banish Chinese vampire. Hence I decided to go with it as the main component.

    In order to make the message clearer I added the Chinese vampires in the composition. and decided that the job is more specific as Chinese vampire hunter.

    – Jiangshi paper folded in origami font (digitally made)

    NAT Process
    NAT process

    – Chinese Vampire (sketched, digitally traced, digitally colored)

    Vampire process
    Vampire process

    – Scary haunted Chinese house (digitally edited)

    Background process
    Background process

    Here is the first composition:

    Chinese vampire hunter
    Chinese vampire hunter first composition

    However I realized that the vampires are too cute, lively and colorful for the composition, hence I decided to change the vampire into a more realistic and dull color one.

    Chinese vampire hunter process
    Chinese vampire hunter process


    Chinese vampire hunter final
    Chinese vampire hunter final
  • Batik Maker
    It is mentioned that we should ‘cloth’ the fonts, and somehow I thought of Batik, Indonesian traditional cloth. I decided to use this idea and become a batik maker.

    Batik brainstorm
    Batik brainstorm

    – Letter NAT (digitally planned, sketched, digitally traced, digitally edited)

    NAT process
    NAT process

    – Canting


    – Fabric background

    Here is the very first composition:

    Batik maker first composition

    I felt that the composition is to plain and not interesting. After more time trying out, adjusting the angles, layer effects, background etc. I finally found a better and final composition.

    Batik maker process
    Batik maker process

    Batik maker final
    Batik maker final
  • Shadow Puppeteer 
    Another interesting Indonesian culture is the shadow puppet (Indonesian name: Wayang Kulit).
    I decided to use the important characters from the famous story of Ramayana: Rama, Sinta and Hanoman.

    Shadow puppet brainstorm
    Shadow puppet brainstorm

    For each letter, I want them to have these elements:
    – Main stick
    – Arm band of the character
    – Specific element of the character
    – Stick to move hand around (if necessary)

    Shadow puppet characterization
    Shadow puppet characterization

    I finally created the first composition, as it is shadow puppet, I thing the following elements are necessary:
    – the puppet
    – the shadow
    – the light
    – the screen

    Each letter was sketched, digitally traced and digitally colored.

    Shadow puppeteer first composition

    However I saw this composition as too simple and too many dark color with no significant purpose. It also seems like stick in the shape of font being lighted, not really like shadow puppet. Hence, I added the puppeteer and change the angle of the light source. Also, I invert the font horizontally as it is supposed to be the behind-screen view of the show (it will be read as NAT from the audience point of view). I had a feedback that it might be read as ‘TAN’ instead of ‘NAT’, but it actually is okay as my Chinese surname is Tan (adisTANa).

    Shadow puppeteer process
    Shadow puppeteer process

    Shadow puppeteer final
    Shadow puppeteer final
  • Coloured Sand Artist
    For the last job, I decided to go for another culture. I saw my photo when I went to Dubai and thought of what culture I could remember. Then the idea of coloured sand artist I met at market popped up. I think it is a really interesting job which required skills and practice.So for each letter, I want it to be one bottle of coloured sand art. The shape of the container is the shape the letter.Element:
    – Glass container in the shape of the letter
    – Coloured sand inside the containerEach letter was sketched, digitally traced, digitally colored and edited.
Very first sketched of the letter
The elements were digitally traced
Coloured sand artist process
Coloured sand artist process
Colour sand artist final
Coloured sand artist final

For the final submissions and reflection click here.