First Scene “A Perfect Day For Bananafish”

We had to use a metaphor/ symbol in this story; one that we came up on our own.

If you guessed it right, I used the curling and scrunching of the telephone cord as a metaphor. I used it because there is tone of annoyance and frustration on the protagonist’s part, during her call with her mother. Instead of expressing it outwardly to her mum, she keeps her tone neutral while she was on the phone, as she did not like the idea of her mum reminder her about her husband’s treatment. So, I thought using the telephone cord is a way for viewers to hint at how the protagonist is actually feeling.


  • Need to put clear borders for storyboard ( basics of storyboarding requires order)
  • Incomplete drawings
  • Some said the metaphor used was good, but it would be better if it did not take up the whole space (composition-wise) , and instead vary perspective /composition
  • As point 3, there is a repetition of subject matters put at centre – composition.

Author: Najiha

Always looking for something more.

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