Visit to Jimmy Ong’s Work ” Poverty Quilt/ A Year In Java” at Asian Civilization Museum

“The most formidable enemy of a man is his own conscience”

Without leaving him the means of avoiding it, which always brings his crimes before his eyes



Recitation – babat

First song is about the day British company freed Yogyakarta whic his n 1700 in java calendar

12 june 1812

2nd song – about the british invade Yog, looting of items from kampong

colonialism of hava – suffered damage

making a link between those who suffered and singaporeans who had not suffered this ordeal

from what i understand about this – he seems to point towards persuading partiicpants to empathze and sypathize with the villages whos lives became more difficult than it aleady is, and ironically  how as singaporeans there’s so much adornment for sir stamford raffles, when he was involved in this looting spree as well


Author: Najiha

Always looking for something more.

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