Refrain/Reflex | Final by Aaron James & Alvin Ling

Refrain/Reflex is the exploration of the inter-connectivity between music and different feelings and emotions. The way we feel is directly affected and co-related by what we hear.

Refrain/Reflex is an audio/visual piece which aims to translate that experience.

Inspired by the use of portals and the way they are a gateway to different bodies of emotion, we have represented the way we feel into various abstract forms, comprising of different shapes and looks.

Final Video (MAN Version):

Final Video (Elphi Version):


Our work on the MAN wall:

Aj & I are very happy with the final outcome & the look of our work. Through the use of editing rhythmically to the music as well as having the elements flow with it, we feel we managed to convey our initial ideas & themes with this piece & it is meant to serve as something cool & fun to look at when you walk past the wall, perhaps even a form of interaction!

While we definitely had our fair share of struggles getting here, we still managed to put out something we were proud of & we are excited to showcase it on the Media Art Nexus wall!

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