I made use of instagram’s poll and question feature for my survey as I figured that it would get the most outreach. Furthermore, since my target audience are adults and young adults, my followers were suitable for the survey. Attached is a look at my instagram survey:


Instagram Survey

Example of responses

I curated my questions to target the awareness on the importance of social cohesion between neighbours and the results are as follows.

  1. Do you know any of neighbours?

90% YES 10% NO

2. Do you know their names/have their contact numbers? 

49% YES 51% NO

3. Do you interact with them? If yes, when and how often? 

Common answers:

  • Only acknowledgements when they chance upon each other
  • Once or twice per month
  • At corridors/lift lobby
  • Special events e.g; hari raya, chinese new year etc

4. What could be possible reasons neighbours do not communicate?

Common answers:

  • Busy
  • Arrogance and unfriendliness
  • Lack of common topic
  • Racial separation
  • Shy/reserved

5. Do you think it is important in today’s context, that we know our neighbours?

90% YES 10% NO

6. Would you be open to getting to know your neighbours better?

92% YES 8% NO

7. What are some of the ways in which we can improve social cohesion between neighbours in Singapore?

Common answers:

  • Gathering during festive seasons (eat together)
  • Community gatherings/events
  • Sharing food
  • Smile more

Conclusion: From my survey, I have found that there are indeed many Singaporeans who are open to the idea of getting to know their neighbours but it has become too much of a norm for it to be awkward or weird to interact with neighbours beyond a smile or a hi. Thus, in my project, I aim to break that stigma and normalise interacting with neighbours in hopes for a stronger social cohesion between them.

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