Final for Forrest Gump & Processess

I basically fell in love with the treshold button because that’s what happened to most of my graphics. For the first design I worked with was from

They called it a “Royale with Cheese”.  

They were referring it to the burger at first and I was thinking of I can incorporate a narrative into the design. But we had to take the quote entirely out of it’s context, thus I followed with the cheese as the final composition, although cliché and direct, I liked how the mouse came out. I also printed this as my tote design.

#1 composition

#2 composition

#3 compsition

I was trying to go for a children book’s style, I treshold the mouse’s parts separately, overall I liked how it came out.

You are tearing me apart, Lisa!

These are the images I used and were inspired with while making this

I pictured a skull keeping his mouth ajar while expressing his disdain, but to show the tearing him apart from his flesh to his bones, I just  added some essential organs such as the mouth and the eyeballs. Also added a silhouette of a woman and a doorway to add to the dramatic effect.

There is excellence all around you. You need only be aware to stop and savor it.

This is one of the most difficult quotes I have had to deal with, due to the fact that it is so general but it has some relation to food or the ‘yummy’ factor. I thought it should encompass ‘life’ as a whole and somehow, this person was enjoying herself, while consuming ‘life’. This licking an ice cream idea definitely gave a subtle yet direct meaning of what I wanted to say. I used theses images in this collage design.


Behind this mask there is more than flesh, Mr Creedy. Beneath this mask there is an idea… (and ideas are bulletproof)


was thinking of choosing a wooden figure as it’s body to show the inability to control oneself due to the control from others, but the pairing of the human head and an inhuman body didn’t seem like a good visual composition.


I liked how this mask came out nice and crisp looking.  This piece is pretty symbolic too. I was thinking of using a mask but not the usual kind. I guess for this piece, or for all the overall work that I have done, I try to avoid using imagery that was’fool-proof’ – that would look good in any design because it was trendy. Unfortunately, the gas masks one of these widely used trendy imageries.

However with this quote in mind, I was thinking of how the human subject could either protect himself with the mask, from being contaminated by the outside world or it could have been him containing the monster he is with a mask. The overall piece looks intimidating. Another symbolic imagery was the use of locusts which has a biblical meaning, as based on the seven plagues, the locusts ate every plantation in it’s path and the vibe this imagery gave off, was how ideas consumed everything in it’s path. (That could end up a bad memory) This was a tough one to compose due to the placement of the locusts which in this case, looked very awkward and cramped where they exit from the mask. But with the limited type of images, that was as good as it gets. These are the images I took my inspiration from.

Overall I am proud of the last few images because the concept was well-thought over compared to the first few.