IM Devices – Distant Bodies

Project done by: EmmaWei LinNatalieWan Hui

Our work for the Final Semester Project is called [untitled]. This project aims to convey sensations beyond the visual of telematic tools, and to bring awareness to distant bodies.

Our work is two identical bedrooms that will each be set up in separate museums across the world. In each bedroom, there will be two slippers.  Participants will be invited to wear one of the pairs, whilst the other will always remain unused. Data from the slippers participants are walking around with will be transmitted to the unused slippers in the other bedroom across the world. The unused slipper is fully autonomous, and will receive the data sent to recreate the steps taken by the participant in the other room.


[ still in progress]


  • Shoes to symbolize both absence and presence of another person
  • Bedroom is an intimate setting
  • Feel comforted by the hint of another persons presence, or be creeped out by their presence despite them being absent
  • Distant body without visuals



  • Projection mapping ?
  • Room location – living room?



  • Motors
  • Wheels
  • Arduino Uno
  • Wifi Shield


  • Arduino IDE
  • Adafruit IO