Studies in Form #1


  • Verb: Exhumed, Bifurcated
  • Adjective: Parasite, Tripod
  • Noun: Stalactite, Hive


Exhumed parasite Stalactite
Exhumed parasite Hive
Exhumed tripod Stalactite
Exhumed tripod Hive
Exhumed stalactite Parasite
Exhumed hive Parasite
Exhumed stalactite Tripod
Exhumed hive Tripod
Bifurcated parasite Stalactite
Bifurcated parasite Hive
Bifurcated tripod Stalactite
Bifurcated tripod Hive
Bifurcated stalactite Parasite
Bifurcated stalactite Hive
Bifurcated hive Parasite
Bifurcated hive Tripod

The subtle nuances the positioning of words can carry!
Bifurcated parasite Stalactite -> parasitic Stalactite that is forked
Bifurcated stalactite Parasite -> Parasite (found on Stalactites/made out of them) that is forked
Parasite(ic) bifurcated stalactite -> similar to bifurcated parasite stalactite
Stalactite bifurcated parasite -> similar to bifurcated stalactite parasite

Exhumed parasite Hive -> parasitic Hive/parasites Hive that’s been dug up
Exhumed hive Parasite -> a Parasite (to hives) that’s been dug up
Parasite(ic) exhumed Hive  -> a dug up Hive that is parasitic
Hive exhumed Parasite -> doesn’t really make sense? Hmmm……

BUT how much difference do these nuances make when translated into imagery? Affects the noun/subject which in turn is the dominant form (“main body” of the form)? And the other two words are descriptive subdominant and subordinate forms- > whose forms are built upon that of the dominant?

PS. am I thinking too much hmm……………………



noun: parasite
  1. 1. an organism that lives in or on an organism of another species (its host) and benefits by deriving nutrients at the other’s expense.
    2. (Derogatory) a person who habitually relies on or exploits others and gives nothing in return.
    adjective: parasitic
    1. 1. (of an organism) living as a parasite.
    2. 2.  (Derogatory)  habitually relying on or exploiting others.


  1. 1. dig out (something buried, especially a corpse) from the ground.
    2. (Geology) expose (a land surface) that was formerly buried.
  2. 2. to revive or restore after neglect or a period of forgetting; bring to light.


  1. 1. divide into two branches or forks.


  1. 1.  a tapering structure hanging like an icicle from the roof of a cave, formed of calcium salts deposited by dripping water.


noun: hive
  • 1. a shelter constructed for housing a colony of honeybees
    2. a place swarming with busy occupants:
    verb: hived, hiving
    1. 1. to enter a hive.



    I personally feel that to approach these words, there are a few ways I can kind of sort the imagery that the words invoke- Macro picture (overall structure) vs Micro picture (details), Realistic vs Abstracted, maybe even Man-made vs Natural? The best example in my set of words to illustrate this is ‘Hive’.

    Macro vs Micro:

    Honeycomb - WikipediaFlow Hive Review: 3 Reasons to Avoid It At All Costs - HoneyColony

    Realistic vs Abstracted:

    Wasp Nest Removal - Safely Removing Nests Naturally | Wasp nest ... The Hive The Power of Propolis: A Gift from the Bees

    Man-made vs Natural:

    38675_sarasota-bee-hive Honey House Honey Bee Farm (Lipa City) - 2020 All You Need to Know ... Handmade Natural Bamboo Bee Hive Mason Bee House Attracts Peaceful ...Beehive Facts | Where Do Bees Live? | DK Find Out  



    Just some links:









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