Category Archives: Assignment 3

Foundation 4D Project 3: ‘disregard’s’ finale


After filming, editing, and lots and lots of eating, here is my final film, entitled ‘disregard’.

I used iMovie to execute the editing and focused on keeping it simple, to let the meaning of my film filter through clearly (leaving a certain type of ‘clear’ ambiguity, I suppose).

My 50 word narrative is below, just like it was before:

‘disregard’ follows the behaviour of humans while they eat and relate it to the concept of desiring experiences. What do people think of when they eat? Do they get irritated when they’re bothered? Perhaps they insist on solely living in the moment, disregarding and blocking out any intrusions. Yet, they do not realise what happens to the food they enjoyed in the moment – forgetting what time brings to the indulgence. Food washes away, and so does experience.

Ironically, every time I wanted to stage a film time with the people in the film, they got irritated, saying things like “why do I have to do this now while I eat” as well as “now I feel self conscious.” I think that the process of making people star in my film while they eat and seeing their reactions for myself gives the entire process a much deeper understanding between me and my own work.

4D was a very rewarding course in terms of teaching me about personal storytelling. I was given the opportunity to explore different ideas and the process of developing a story myself, from thinking to executing and to documenting the journey.

4D Proj. 3: Progress report

I have updated an improved version of my film: Disregard.

As I continued editing my 4D project 3, my main concern was about how to sequence the clips between people eating (being extremely engrossed in their food) and clips of the after math, whether it was fish bones on a tissue, empty bowls, cutlery being washed, or food being thrown away. I think, for my idea, it made the most sense to sequence them interchangeably.

screenshot of my film sequencing in iMovie

I was debating between staging a scenario where a person would continuously get annoyed at me (the photographer/interviewer) as they ate, showing how people don’t really register much or care for what happens around them as they eat.

However, I quickly began to realise that a video consisting just of people getting irritated would be rather bland. While I was filming, I then thought of the idea of just making that irritation a small part (still significant), but also combined with the narrative of the viewer themselves experiencing the feeling of eating food (either eating at home, in a hawker, etc) but then thrown in with scenes that will quickly remind you that the food will disappear afterwards, just like our own memories and experiences.


Foundation 4D Proj. 3: ‘DISREGARD’ process

These words outline the main idea for my film:

This will follow the behaviour of humans while they eat and relate it to the concept of desiring experiences. What do people think of when they eat? Do they get irritated when they’re bothered? Perhaps they insist on solely, themselves, living in the moment, disregarding and blocking out the intrusions. Yet, they do not realise what happens to the food they enjoyed in the moment – forgetting what time brings to the indulgence.

I wanted to focus on people eating, so at first I filmed people at hawkers as I walked past, and just people eating in general.



But since I wanted to include what happened to food after the indulgence and after the consummation, I needed to grow mould. Or at least, show  what happens to food in the events afterwards (ones that we don’t give much thought to).

I intended to use food moulding (like my Project 2) but to do that, I would need to use found videos as I do not possess the right cameras or resources to be able to do such a long timelapse – over a couple of days – for food to mould.

So, I had to think of an alternative to growing mould – I think the process of washing food off of dishes and throwing it into waste bins is similar.