Making the string structure.

After researching and getting my idea, I realised I had no idea what kind of template to draw. But since I wanted a sculpture with curves I just started drawing curves while visualising a cross. This is when I made my first two mistakes.

851516557_30448_9775656345583072330The first being, cutting an extremely thin backbone. This made it tear easily.

851519906_30831_3765396991341345434The second was to cut out the support before poking holes in it, which caused the paper to crumple.

851440305_64129_6198764986183273093Combining these two mistakes and the fact that the paper was very flimsy, I could not achieve any tension, but I had an idea on how to do it. So I started on my final piece.

851439738_64771_7855808411359136412The plastic sheet given was not that much different from paper besides the fact that it would not crumple. I started of with the same shape but this time I added slits to make sure the structure staid in place and it ended up looking like the above.

851518514_31591_2558125494689869633I didnt know where to start threading and decided go with the corner of the structure. But that did not work out as I had no sense of continuation and it was boring to look at. So I snipped it all off. I also hated the little dashes on the plastic from threading in and out. So I decided to thread in a loop, drawing out polygons.
photo137649183987445386 photo137649183987445387And so my final structure was born. Pretty aint it?

I love curves

So we were told to create a string sculpture that would make the planes visible.

My main source of inspiration was Naum Gabo.

Linear Construction No. 2 1970-1 Naum Gabo 1890-1977 Presented by the artist through the American Federation of Arts 1969

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I was drawn to it as it was one of the only sculptures that wasn’t a boring old straight plane. At the time of research I did not think how I could execute it, but I knew I really really wanted to have a curvy structure. Of course that provided me with a lot of hardships later on, but that is or the next post.

A couple who really loves animals

After going to the market with no yield, I went home to find some toys. However I felt like it was not necessary  to show the items as I did not use much of it in my work but instead took the remnants of my friends items.
851519108_30653_1433276433214304793My first item was suppose to be two people hugging. I simply used two poles as the body and stick the other parts to the pole. However I was about done after 20mins , looking around I realised that I was the only one done. Finding that rather odd, I reevaluated my process and started again.

851518098_30626_2349908291593101173Since everyone was doing some sort of animal I decided to go with a bug, because I had two swirly metal pieces. I chose the yellow basket as the head as it was appropriately round. I then used the goggles as the wings as I saw Duane use sunglasses as his beetles wings. However after looking at this piece, it felt unpolished and unfinished. So I left it and moved on to another piece.

851439249_64212_1832839542389129501This snail was actually born because there were a lot of these swirly metal things laying around and I thought why not just pull the ends. I mean the brief wanted as little pieces as possible.

But of course that felt a little too much of a cheat so I decided to go back to my bug idea. By this time everyone was finishing and so I just walked around to grab items, which were all naturally small, because they were the leftovers of bigger items.