Creative Industry Report – Seismique

Slides can be accessed here:

Seismique Instagram Account:


My current career trajectory leans more towards freelancing as an artist or interactive designer, and I found an immersive museum called Seismique, which invites collaboration between artists to showcase their separate works while maintaining a common thematic in an immersive space. Seismique is a mixed-media museum featuring larger than life art installations and immersive environments. It is the brainchild of Steve Kopelman and Josh Corley, two world travellers and haunted house and escapes room creators who sensed a need for art that defies frames, glass cases, and other barriers that keep the viewer at a distance. They took over a 40,000 square-foot former storefront and created this museum with 40 themed experiences by local and international artists. 

Some works that Seismique includes is Brainwash by Joshuah Jest, Venus by Toshiko Horiuchi MacAdam, and Eden by David Carry and Brian Val Habisreitinger. Brainwash portrays a room consisting of 200 LED panels, and invites the viewer to be immersed in the everchanging environments shown. Venus is a multicoloured crochet room that emulates a huge hammock. Eden invites viewers into an Avatar inspired space where abstract fluorescent forest scapes are carved throughout the room and are cast with black light, ultra-violet reactive paintings and three large holograms.

Apart from creating immersive and enjoyable artworks for people of all ages, Seismique also opens up this venue for events for different corporations and provides support to the local art community. In addition, they provide workshops to hone the younger generation for technology-driven learning opportunities. As a freelancer, I think starting out in a collaborative space is a good way to learn and boost my skill set while learning from other artists. Also, doing something I like which also gives my audience a new sense of wonder is something I can see myself doing in the long term.


Behind the scenes at Seismique, Houston’s new interactive playground

[ScriptBot: RaveBot] – Video and Image Documentation

Script Bot Idea

The RaveBot originated from the idea of having a small DJ robot to be able to rave at home. Thus i tried to script the bot to Animals by Martin Garrix. I had one motor to rotate each arm of the bot and one more to rotate the bottom of the bot.

I used the base Ableton file that we used in Robotics class for wind bot and tweaked the values for each joint I correspondence to the song.

Below are some image and video documentation

Video documentation:

Main video:

Raw video of robot:

Image Documentation

[Windbot] – Video and Image Documentation


My windbot idea is creating a windchime bot, where a windchime is attached to a servo motor, and moved via ZigSim. I wanted to create a natural motion by human intervention (what was controlled by natural wind is now controlled by a mobile phone)

Here is the link to my video documentation:

Image Documentation


[Sketches] – Type Bot, FollowMe Bot & Wind Bot

Typebot Ideas and Sketches

Idea 1 – Music type bot

Concept: To create a bot that plays the piano or some songs that are pre-programmed.

Idea 2 – Autoreply bot

Concept: Typebot that generates and types autoreplies to emails that you dont want to reply.

Follow Me Bot Ideas and Sketches

Idea 1 – The puppy bot

Concept: A bot that is consisted of a webcam strapped onto an electronic car. The car will produce different actions depending on the gestures giving by the user, which is identified by the webcam.

Idea 2 – The fishing bot

Concept: A bot that imitates the movement of the human arm. A webcam is placed beside it and it senses the movement of a player’s real arm, which is corresponded to the robot, which has the rod to catch fish from a fishing toy. This is to create the illusion of caching something without actually catching it physically.

Wind Bot Ideas and Sketches

Idea 1 – The slap bot

Concept: A bot that has a plastic hand attached to it, and uses natural wind data to behave. It can also be programmed manually using a webcam (flexible for changes)

Idea 2 – The clapper bot

Concept: A collection of hand clappers attached to servo motors. The clappers react to the natural wind data and produce a symphony of applause.

En Fleur – Final Project Documentation (Amanda, Mei Shan, Wei Lin)

Hi everyone 🙂 Here is the link to our full documentation for our final project!

Final Teaser Video

Final Peer test video (thank you Ashley)

Picture Documentation of our scene

FYP 2021/22 Pitch 1.0

Here is the link to my slides (PDF):

Here are some links to my references and readings:
Being There: Understanding the Feeling of Presence in a Synthetic Environment and its Potential for Clinical Change

DAYDREAM V2 by Noemi Schipfer & Takami Nakamoto

Daydreaming and the Stream of Thought by Jerome L. Singer




Thoughts – Project Management for Design Professionals

Here are some learning points acquired from this reading:

Although “the end” is the final destination, it must be defined at the beginning of the project – the project objectives must be identified and their implications understood at the outset. They define the roadmap that leads to the end.

Project objectives are such an important aspect of managing and developing a project, that we always take for granted. Many times we will be so engrossed in our project that we can get side-tracked and lose sight of our original objectives, especially when there are a lot of options for development and execution. Its always important to remind oneself to revisit these objectives at the pitstops of the project, to ensure that the project is still on track, both conceptually and physically.

Planning large projects is like eating a whale. The trick is to divide the project into manageable bites or pieces – called tasks – and then chew them in the correct order.

With objectives comes planning the execution. Interactive works do require quite a lot of planning and breaking down, especially since we always visualise the final work as a whole before analyzing the software and hardware required for it to work. The fish-bone diagram actually looks confusing, but the concept behind it is understandable. I do feel overwhelmed at times when thinking of the end product and the overwhelming amount of work that needs to be done to achieve that, thus hindering the priorities of what needs to be done first to kickstart the execution. Thus, breaking this “whale” down into its bite-sized pieces helps to ease the workflow into my system and create better efficiency.

What, When, Who and How Much?

This question was being asked in relation to how the project is going to be executed in a team. But I relate these questions more to the context of my project. So What is my project? When will it be held? Where will it be held? Who is viewing my work? and How Much is the cost? Budgeting cost and managing the finance side of a project is mentioned in chapter 2 of the reading, but the other questions are something that I have to think about in relation to the execution of my work. How can I better enhance user experience in my work (if I want any) and how can this be achieved with the current skillset/ software that I have with me?

These pointers definitely reminded me of the simpler but very important concepts that I need to remind myself when I embark on my FYP.