Tag Archives: experience

Dialogue in the dark Experience!

So we went to Dialogue in Ngee Ann during one of the lessons. It was my first time being there so I didn’t know what to expect. I thought the journey would be kind of short but it took longer than expected. Here is my experience journey map of the entire journey through.

As you can see from my mapping, I have also drawn out how certain areas I felt were like in terms of their shape and the ”x” i drew represented me in the scale of each area. As for me the journey continued to grew more and more exciting for me as i grew more anticipated to experience what awaits. The most interesting and fun part for me was the cafe, because it was not like a staged performance, we really got to buy, eat, seat and do everything like a normal cafe would in the dark.

What could have been improved: I felt like one segment they could improve on was the walls? Because at the moment it is all flat and only varying in different materials. Maybe, there could be indents or more tactile stuff to make it more fun.

So after the entire experience, we were told to make interpret the space into a paper form, and this was how mine looked like!

I felt like the beginning was very narrow and winding, which then lead us to more natural surroundings that i felt were more safe and comfortable thus i made the paper more flow. I felt like the boat experience I was in a deep hole and I was quite small. As for the marketplace i felt like it was very linear and straight kind of orientation? The car park felt more open and the cafe at the end I felt like it was entering a big space that gradually.

Overall it was a great experience, that’s all!

Scent-ses: Chocolate experiment and Research

Chocolate tasting experiment!

A (rank #3) – unpleasant!


  • deep dark scent
  • scent reminded me of Toblerone, so expected a sweet taste
  • shape implied was like those normal milk candy, rectangular
  • bitter upon biting
  • weird spicy after taste

B (rank #2) – meh


  • dark chocolate smell
  • texture feels sophisticated
  • circular shape remind me of the cheap chocolate coins
  • taste what i expected, no change in experience

C (ranked #1)- amazeballs


  • crumby on one side, smooth on another
  • textured side reminds of potato chips, immediately pleasant
  • chocolate side melts immediately upon eating
  • sweet then salty
  • has something different which is the crunch sound

Pleasant Scent:

My pleasant scent is this perfume which has a very sweet, lingering smell. It is  a halal perfume and its scent reminds me of being in the mosque and feeling very serene, safe and calm.







Unpleasant Scent:

My unpleasant scent is cat food. It has a very overpowering pungent smell and the memory it evokes just reminds me of cat puking or the unpleasant things they do.







Fun Facts about scent and memory!

  1. Studies show that 75% of emotions are triggered by smell which is linked to pleasure, well-being, emotion and memory – handy when you want people to buy your products.
  2. One of the most evocative smells from childhood is crayons.
  3. The sense of smell is the first of all our senses to develop. Even before we are born, our sense of smell is fully formed and functioning.
  4. The human brain can process roughly 10,000 smells in an area the size of a postage stamp, each triggering a neural response.
  5. The answer to the question, can you smell in your sleep, is quite simply, no. As it turns out, the phrase wake up and smell the coffee is more true than you would imagine. When you are asleep, your sense of smell shuts down. You can only smell the coffee after you have woken up.
  6. Your sense of smell accounts for 75-95% of the impact a flavour has. Without being able to smell the difference between onion and potato, it’d be difficult to tell them apart.

Credits: http://www.mirror.co.uk/lifestyle/health/20-fascinating-facts-sense-smell-1977351