I believe that the true meaning of Visual Communication is to open up alternative routes of possibilities for society. The manner in which we design a particular poster or a particular brochure, is profoundly capable of forming endless bridges of interpretation despite revolving around a fixed theme. Tracing back, my initial process to design is always to not ask myself, “What do I like?”, but instead, I ask, “How does this benefit and add value to my viewer?”.  I try my best to offer a voice, a common and mutual voice which would (hopefully) resonate with many, amidst the noise. The philosophy I try to adopt is a user-centred approach to design. I like to observe and study the behavioural patterns of society and then ask myself, where can I help?

Social Design fascinates me — creating design solutions that benefits society AND the environment. I see design as a two way traffic: firstly, the process in which I partake to execute my design benefits me. Secondly, the materialisation of my design when it is complete has to benefit others. It then becomes this eternal time loop of positivity.

However, there is a lack in issues of practice and research for Social Design. Little attention has been given to charges in the education of a designer today, despite the apparent shift towards Design for Populations, rather than just for the Market alone. There is a lack of research to demonstrate what a designer can contribute to human welfare. More often than not, design is understood by the public as an artistic practice that produces dazzling lamps, furniture and automobiles. Design, I believe, is a form of argument and persuasion for ideas about how the world should change and progress for the better.

I hope to someday create design which can target people’s psychological needs. To create better living spaces in communities and neighbourhoods, to increase feelings of pleasantness, excitement and relaxation. To decrease feelings of fear and stress. To create a cocoon, a shelter, a safe haven — and most importantly, a home in a house.

draft #1
draft #1

Author: amikomari

Hi I am Amira and I am a practicing Graphic Designer who also loves Art History!


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