Please Mind the Gap : 2

Where is Home? Are we all immigrants? Who demarcates a country and what makes a nation? Where do displaced communities belong? 

18th December was proclaimed as International Migrants Day by the UN General Assembly in 2000 — a day significant for Singaporeans as most of us are descendants of migrants, labourers who worked long hours for low pay. But how much do we know of our roots and where we come from? As of June 2016, foreigners make up 64% of Singapore’s population. What is the difference between a Migrant, a Foreigner, a Refugee? Why is there the notion of a social class associated with these terms? 

To close the disparity and create acceptance, to shine light on the wonderfulness of all our similarities instead of differences. To investigate that our home was once not this home we know of — that we are here by chance, and we should give that same equal chance to everyone. 

This is a problem because change is the only constant, yet we don’t like change. We don’t like it when Little India is unusually crowded on weekends and we attempt to implement barricades to fence off these workers from resident spaces. How can we, once a migrant, tell another migrant, that they do not belong here? Ma (Mother Nature), where’s Home? 

Author: amikomari

Hi I am Amira and I am a practicing Graphic Designer who also loves Art History!

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