VC II Project 2: Research and Drafts

In the second project, I initially wanted to do a kit of some sorts or a publication. However, my target audience is mostly on their phones and online, thus, I decided to do a website instead. I wanted to go along with the theme of the infographic. The space themed, and at 3am I was thinking on how to do the layout when it hit me that I was going to do it in a game-like way, with different islands to visit.

Thus, came layout and graphic planning. (The images are in chronological order of how they were conceptualised)

Initially I wanted to present my website in print format. But after the last consult with Michael he suggested I make it live. Even though it was extremely challenging, I am glad I undertook the challenge. There was so many restriction and resizing issues.

I’m grateful my friend introduced and gave me a crash course on how to use it. But due to the nature of my graphics and the placement, in the end I still struggled a lot on how to get it done with what I learnt about the builder.

Look at the amount of math I had to do to give myself more playing space. Super proud it actually materialised.

For the second article, Michael suggested I do something to promote my item. Intially I was thinking of crazy ideas like art installations. However, after consult, I realised it was really a bit farfetched. Thus, it was reduced to a standee. But I felt like there should be something given, so at the last last stretch, inspiration came for a condom packaging. Choosing to place the graphics I have on my website onto the packaging I was hoping it’ll attract the users to visit my website.

All in all, I am satisfied with the risks and challenges I undertook for this project. I tried website building and product packaging, two things I’ve never done before.