Library Ideas

I had two ideas in mind, each at two different locations.

Location 1: Windows


The windows are huge and a large amount of light is let in through these windows. The first idea would be to utilise the light that is coming through to create an artwork, which reminded me of the use of paper cut outs and light to create a layered, shadow artwork. This idea is inspired by Deepti Nair and Harikrishnan Panicker’s works. The images portrayed could be a scene, story or architecture from ancient civilisations to educate viewers about Art history, given the library contains many books related to that topic.

Location 2: Long study tables

For this location, I was planning to put several jars containing different types of sweets or snacks from different locations or tallying with the theme, and each jar containing a small fun fact about that chosen place. For example, if space was one of the chosen locations, there would be a tag containing a fun fact about space and the food inside the jar would be the Milky Way chocolate. The main purpose of this idea was to let people know more about the world and at the same time enjoying the food inside the jars to help them study better.

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