Thoughtful Interaction Design

Responding to the reading, find 2 examples of a product/project that you think are good examples of thoughtfully designed user experience. Be prepared to support your choices.

Core concept:  interaction design, design process, design situation and digital artifact.


The first example would be the emergence of The Web App. I believe most of us are familiar with the term App , or Application, which is associated with the individual software applications that we download onto our mobile phones and other platforms. The App store and Google Play store are homes of these apps depending on our device platforms. We are so used to the intuitive nature of the apps, smooth without much load times.

The responsive website on the other hand is the evolution of our common website. When we resize our website window, observe if the content display changes. If it does, then that website is designed to be responsive. Google has placed emphasis on websites using responsive displays, rewarding them with higher search rankings. Since in the digital world, search rankings is king, the world followed.

Today, Google says that it is recommending Progressive Web Apps, which are again an evolution of the website. It is where websites act like apps. This is a major move seen in the tech world, as Google moves to bring greater user experience into the design of websites, as user preferences demand so.


The second example is Apple. Both the phone itself as well as its user experience were revolutionary at that point in time. Many believed that the different look and feel of the touchscreen phone was the main selling point, but many did not fully realise that what they fell in love with was the seamless user experience that Steve Jobs was all about.

Diary of Behavior

Why and What I use for:

Checking email, browsing the internet, communicating with others, playing with apps and social media.


Common uses:

Checking email, browsing the internet, communicating with others, playing with apps and social media. Most people use it as a time killer, such as while travelling. There are others who use it as entertainment during meals.


Day 2 behavior:

Boredom, withdrawal symptoms, lack of connection to the world, lack of knowledge, lack of immediate answers.

There really aren’t many alternatives to the connectivity and productivity that the phone gives. Electronic devices can replace the uses of the phone but disconnection from all these devices just leaves people disabled, electronically.





Interactive Environments & Experience Design

The presentation in class by the guest lecturer was indeed insightful. In particular, his suggestion to allow two participants interact with one another to create art allowed another dimension in my thoughts for the iLight proposal.

I met with the leader of the IEM team to convey our discussions in class, so that the IEM side can understand certain aspects of our angle taken for the iLight proposal. I shared with him the interaction design and i believe he was also impacted greatly by the additional ideas that could potentially be implemented.

One of my ideas to him was to allow various participants in contact with the motion sensor plates to create different colours using bit-wise activations. For example if there are 8 plates, which gives rise to 128 different possibilities of bit combinations. These can be mapped to colours, and if no one steps on the plate, it gives 0000000 mapped to white, where the jelly fish will be white colour. 00000001 may be mapped to red and so on.