Diary of Behavior

Why and What I use for:

Checking email, browsing the internet, communicating with others, playing with apps and social media.


Common uses:

Checking email, browsing the internet, communicating with others, playing with apps and social media. Most people use it as a time killer, such as while travelling. There are others who use it as entertainment during meals.


Day 2 behavior:

Boredom, withdrawal symptoms, lack of connection to the world, lack of knowledge, lack of immediate answers.

There really aren’t many alternatives to the connectivity and productivity that the phone gives. Electronic devices can replace the uses of the phone but disconnection from all these devices just leaves people disabled, electronically.





2 Replies to “Diary of Behavior”

  1. Interesting that you describe the lack of connectivity as a “disability” in today’s hyper-connected world.  What would happen then, if networks go down in the event of a natural disaster or other unforeseen emergency?

  2. From a networking perspective, most systems would have back up plans, ensuring that the downtime of a network or server would be minimal. Think of not being able to Google something out for 3 hours would affect people who rely on Google for work.


    However, if it is a prolonged event, then we will have to adapt to other means of connectivity.

    The concept of going back to the offline way of living may be distant to the millennials, possibly those who have never known to live without the internet. In light of the hyperconnectivity, I personally foresee a possible future where disconnection is pursued.

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